The Age of Wonder
War: balloons in, 156
    Amiens, Peace of (1802), 200
    Ampère, André, 347, 353, 401
    anaesthesia, 262, 282-4, 305
    Analytical Society (Cambridge), 387
    Anderson, Dr Alexander, 213, 222-5; death, 225-6
    Anderson, Thomas, 213
    Angier, Natalie: The Canon: The Beautiful Basics of Science, 172n
    animal magnetism, 125, 314, 316
    Annual Anthology (ed. Southey), 259, 266, 269, 275
    anthropology: and craniology, 310-11
    Anti-Jacobin (magazine), 273
    Apocalypse Now (film), 228n
    Apollo astronauts, 161
    Apreece, Jane see Davy, Jane, Lady
    Apreece, Shuckburgh Ashby, 338
    Arago, François, 464
    Arblay, Alexandre d’ (Fanny Burney’s son), 305
    Arblay, General Alexandre-Jean-Baptiste Piochard d’ (Fanny Burney’s husband), 305
    Arblay, Mme d’ see Burney, Fanny
    Archimedes, xvii, 428
    Argand, Aimé, 133
    Argument by Design, 219, 336, 450
    Aristotle, 171
    Arlandes, François Laurent, Marquis d’, 129-31
    ‘armchair traveller’, 51
    Arnold, John, 47
    asteroids: named by Herschel, 210
    Astronomical Society see Royal Astronomical Society
    astronomy: constellations named, 79; measurement of distances, 90-2; French dominance in, 101-2; increased popular interest in, 105-6, 111; effect of night observation on participants, 118-19n; philosophical significance, 203, 206; poetic interest in, 206-7; Davy on, 288, 355, 426; and religious belief, 451
    atheism, 198, 313, 449
    Athenaeum (journal), 464
    Athenaeum club, London, 405
    Aubert, Alexander, 101, 108-9, 118, 171-4, 189, 196
    Augusta, Princess, 111, 177
    Aurora Borealis, 447
    Aussee, Styria, 377
    Austen, Jane, 342
    Australia: and Cook’s explorations, 10, 38 & n; Banks encourages exploration and settlement, 211-12, 386
    Baader, Franz von, 329
    Babbage, Charles: and John Herschel, 387, 389-90; view of Royal Society, 394, 439-40; supports Wollaston for presidency of Royal Society, 397-8; devises difference engines (calculating machines), 399, 437-8; and Davy’s speech on award of Copley Medal to John Herschel, 400; supports Faraday’s election to Royal Society Fellowship, 402; Continental tour with John Herschel, 405-6; co-founds Royal Astronomical Society, 407; attends Caroline’s farewell reception, 409; not appointed Secretary at Royal Society by Davy, 413; refers to Davy’s Consolations in Travel, 430, 455; and Royal Society presidential election (1829), 436-7; status and influence, 437; and proposed union of scientific societies, 440, 446; attends British Association meetings, 447; religious scepticism, 452; favours admitting women to membership of British Association, 459-60; Charles Darwin studies, 461; ‘Lectures on Astronomy’, 206; Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, 437-8
    Babington, Dr Thomas, 299, 402, 414, 417
    Bacon, Francis, 249, 371, 428-9; Novum Organum, 442
    Baillie, Joanna, 348
    Baker, Henry, 295
    Bakerian Lectures see Royal Society
    Baldwin family (of Slough), 165
    Baldwin, Mrs (Mary Herschel’s mother), 183
    balloons: development in France, 125-6, 128-33, 146; hydrogen (Charlier), 131, 144, 159; interest and flights in England, 133-4, 136-45, 155-8; navigation and steering, 133, 146, 156, 159; Samuel Johnson on, 134-5; military uses, 135-6, 155-6; accidents and fatalities, 143, 145, 153-5, 158; and scientific enquiry, 147-8; first Channel crossing, 148-51; as invasion threat, 155; high-altitude ascents, 159; scientific effects, 159; and understanding of meteorology, 159-60; and mapping, 160-1; imaginative effects, 161-2; popular interest in, 161
    Banks, Dorothea, Lady (née Hugessen), 54-5, 213, 381
    Banks, Sir Joseph: as scientific guide, xxi; qualities, 1-2, 6, 15; in Tahiti, 1-7, 14-15, 19-21; on thieving in Tahiti, 4-6, 16-17; recovers stolen quadrant, 5-6; background and studies, 7-9; collection, 9, 47-8; journals, 9, 12, 14-15, 20, 44, 58-9, 249n; joins Endeavour expedition, 10-13; disbelieves in existence of southern continent, 11; and Harriet Blosset, 11-12, 41-2; survives snowstorm on Tierra del Fuego, 13-14; learns Tahitian language, 19;

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