The Age of Wonder
sexual experiences in Tahiti, 19, 22, 25-6, 30, 42; anthropological and human interests in Tahiti, 20-6, 36; clothes and belongings stolen, 24; circumnavigation and exploration of Tahiti, 29-33; quarrel with Monkhouse, 29; witnesses tattooing of young woman, 32-3; proposes keeping Tahitian as collector’s curiosity, 34; leaves Tahiti, 35; in Australia and New Zealand, 38n; reflections on indigenous people, 39; death of greyhound bitch Lady, 40; return to England on Endeavour, 40-1; celebrity, 42-3; friendship with George III, 43, 49; and Parkinson’s published journal, 44-5; plans publication of journal, 46; rejected by Admiralty for Cook’s second voyage, 46-7; expedition to Hebrides and Iceland, 47, 54, 121n; relations with Sarah Wells, 49, 53-4; welcomed by learned societies, 49; meets Omai on arrival in England, 50-1; in Cowper’s The Task, 51-2; in Parry portrait with Omai and Solander, 51; behaviour after return to England, 52-3; elected President of Royal Society, 54-5; marriage to Dorothea Hugessen, 54-5, 213; scientific salon and breakfasts in Soho Square, 54, 57, 381, 395, 465n; later life and career, 56-8; and Solander’s death, 56, 396; suffers from gout, 56-7, 211, 381, 394; correspondence, 57n; interest in Herschel, 60, 62; writes to Herschel on Pole Star, 87; and Herschel’s discovery of Uranus, 98-101, 103, 125; entertains Herschel, 101; presents Copley Medal to Herschel, 105; supports Herschel against detractors, 109; tests Herschel’s telescope, 109; introduces Herschel to George III, 110; hears of French aerial experiments, 125-7, 133-4; and internal dissension at Royal Society, 125; supports British ballooning, 137; disparages Lunardi, 140; Blanchard meets, 147; Jeffries reports to on cross-Channel balloon flight, 152; predicts advances in British astronomy, 163; supports Herschel’s forty-foot telescope project, 164, 176-8; visits Caroline Herschel at Slough, 173; and George III’s reaction to financing Herschel’s telescope project, 180; Caroline Herschel writes to from Greenwich, 194; on Herschel’s discovery of infra-red light, 199; letter from Herschel on asteroids, 210; administrative commitments, 211; encourages travel and colonial settlement, 211-13, 386; and Mungo Park’s African expedition, 211, 216; childlessness, 213; meets and promotes Mungo Park, 213-14, 232; welcomes Park on return from Africa, 221; organises Park’s second African expedition, 222; Park writes to from Sansanding, 226, 231; declines requests from Beddoes and Pneumatic Institute, 235; interest in Humphry Davy, 235-6; on developing chemistry, 247; capacity for observation, 249n; on Brown’s theory of medicines, 256; appreciation of Davy, 272; describes Volta’s experiments, 274; unofficial approaches to Davy, 277; disbelieves therapeutic effects of nitrous oxide, 281; and founding of Royal Institution, 285; attends Davy’s Royal Institution lectures, 286, 289-90; in Gillray cartoon, 292; chairs Davy’s Royal Society Bakerian Lecture, 295; portrait shows transcript of Davy’s Bakerian Lecture, 299; letter from Beddoes (published) on medical profession and public health, 302; in Walker’s composite portrait, 303; promotes medical science, 306-7; scepticism over Vitalism, 315; and Aldini’s experiments, 317; interest in Ritter, 328-30; teases Davy on marriage to Jane, 342-3; social life, 359; and science’s service to British industry, 362; and Davy’s development of miners’ safety lamp, 364-5; defends Davy against Stephenson’s priority claims, 374; final illness and death, 380, 394-6, 435; on climate change, 383; scientific correspondence, 383-4; admires clever women, 384; growing conservatism, 384-6, 394; view of Byron, 384-5; on John Herschel’s paper to Royal Society, 390; maintains pre-eminence of Royal Society, 393-4; supports Babbage’s application for Edinburgh Chair, 394; promotes Parry’s polar expedition, 395-6; re-elected President of Royal Society (1819), 395; and Blagden’s death, 396;

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