The Back-Up Plan
don’t know. I just—”
    Again with the awkward pause. “Are you feeling okay, J?”
    “Yeah. I’m sorry about tonight. I had a lot on my mind and I’m afraid I didn’t do a very good job of hiding it.”
    “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. Poor Monica was working overtime to keep the conversation flowing between you two and I don’t think you heard a single word she—”
    “I told her I was sorry. We talked after you and Matthew left. She’s really cool, Kris. It was a good set-up. Thanks.”
    The idea that he’d made amends after her departure soothed Kristen’s temper. “Oh, well. I’m glad to hear that. Matthew is pretty awesome too.”
    “Actually, I have another friend I’d like you to meet. He’s a vet and he—”
    “That’s okay,” Kristen cut him off. “I really like Matthew. We’re going to see a movie tomorrow night.”
    “Yeah, but he’s only the second guy on my list. Don’t you want to meet a few of the others instead of just settling for the first one?”
    She laughed. “The first one was Rod and that would have been settling. Matthew is fun and I appreciate you introducing us. I’d like to get to know him better. If it works out, terrific. If not, we’ll return to your list. Okay?”
    Again, she heard the long sigh on the other end of the line before he finally said, “Sure.”
    “Maybe you should head to bed, J. You sound kind of tired.”
    “That’s a good idea. I’ll probably feel better after a decent night’s sleep. Can I ask you one question first?”
    “Of course.”
    “Were those stockings you were wearing under that skirt?”
    She chuckled, strangely relieved by his inappropriate question. She’d been worried about him tonight—accustomed to his wit and ability to drive any conversation and make things fun. It had been unnerving to see him so withdrawn and quiet.
    “Just a simple yes or no.”
    “If I say yes, are you going to imagine me naked again?”
    “I’m already imagining that.”
    “Ugh. You’re a horny bastard and I’m not about to feed your sick, kinky fantasies.”
    “I’ll take that as a yes.”
    She laughed. “Go to bed, you jackass.”
    “Night, Kris. Sweet dreams.”
    “Good night.”
    She clicked off the phone and giggled as she climbed the stairs, wondering how Jason had known she was wearing the garter belt. Had he really looked at her that closely or did he just have a pervert’s nose for anything he deemed even remotely sexual?
    She tended to believe it was the latter, but that didn’t help her when her own sexual desires heated up. She wanted to think it was Matthew’s kiss that had fired her libido.
    But as she reached into her nightstand drawer to pull out a vibrator, it was Jason’s face she dreamed of…as he slipped his hands beneath her skirt and unfastened her garter with skilled fingers.

Chapter Four
    In Arizona, any person living in a household containing more than two vibrators can be subject to criminal prosecution.
    Jason walked into Kristen’s office and closed the door. It was nearly seven o’clock and their secretary had gone home two hours earlier. They’d hired two interns yesterday who would report to work at the beginning of next week, but until they started, he and Kristen continued to work longer hours.
    April was winding down. Unfortunately, Kristen’s relationship with Matthew appeared to be blooming just like the fucking dandelions in his yard. She constantly flitted around the office with a smile on her face and this morning, he’d heard her humming at the copy machine. Humming!
    He’d always given her credit for being an intelligent woman, but it was clear she was blind when it came to Matthew and his dating manipulation. If he weren’t trying to be a supportive friend, Jason would have told her weeks ago to stay away from the man. But every time he opened his mouth to advise her to break things off, she’d mention some romantic, sweet thing Matthew had

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