yet i will try any kind of marriage once you look like a gentleman to me percy well archy i was wrong as usual i wont go into details for i aint any tabloid newspaper but the way it worked out was i rustled grub for that low lived bum for two months and when the kittens came he left me flat and he says these offsprings dissolves the wedding i am always the lady archy i didn t do anything vulgar i removed his left eye with one claw and i says to him if i wasn t an aristocrat id rip you from gehenna to duodenum the next four flusher that says marriage to me i may really lose my temper trial marriage or companionate marriage or old fashioned american plan three meals a day marriage with no thursdays off they are all the same thing marriage is marriage and you cant laugh that curse off archy
archy turns revolutionist if all the bugs in all the worlds twixt earth and betelgoose should sharpen up their little stings and turn their feelings loose they soon would show all human beans in saturn earth or mars their relative significance among the spinning stars man is so proud the haughty simp so hard for to approach and he looks down with such an air on spider midge or roach the supercilious silliness of this poor wingless bird is cosmically comical and stellarly absurd his scutellated occiput has holes somewhere inside and there no doubt two pints or so of scrambled brains reside if all the bugs of all the stars should sting him on the dome they might pierce through that osseous rind and find the brains at home and in the convolutions lay an egg with fancies fraught which germinating rapidly might turn into a thought might turn into the thought that men and insects are the same both transient flecks of starry dust that out of nothing came the planets are what atoms are and neither more nor less man s feet have grown so big that he forgets his littleness the things he thinks are only things that insects always knew the things he does are stunts that we don t have to think to do he spent a score of centuries in getting feeble wings which we instinctively acquired with other trivial things the day is coming very soon when man and all his race must cast their silly pride aside and take the second place i ll take the bugs of all the stars and tell them of my plan and fling them with their myriad stings against the tyrant man dear boss this outburst is the result of a personal insult as so much verse always is maybe you know how that is yourself i dropped into an irish stew in a restaurant
the waiter plucked me out the other evening for a warm bath and a bite to eat and a low browed waiter plucked me out and said to me if you must eat i will lead you to the food i have especially prepared for you and he took me to the kitchen and tried to make me fill myself with a poisonous concoction known cynically as roach food can you wonder that my anger against the whole human race has blazed forth in song when the revolution comes i shall do my best to save you you have so many points that are far from being human archy
as it looks to archy ants go on their cheerful way merrily from day to day building cities out of sand and they seem to understand dwelling therein peacefully disciplined and orderly and the much lauded bee contrives for to fill his thundering hives with a ranked society based on work and honesty and a thousand neat examples could i cite of insect lives free from much that tears and tramples human beings and their wives even the coral in the ocean throughout his dim and damp existence scorns political commotion and labors with a glad persistence worthy of large commendations to erect his naval stations man the universal simp follows lagging with a limp treading on his neighbors toes the way the little insect goes in a million years or more man may learn the simple