The Black Moon

The Black Moon by Winston Graham

Book: The Black Moon by Winston Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winston Graham
Tags: Fiction, Sagas
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    `I have not seen Ross or any others of the family since Christmas. Demelza has written twice but she did not say anything.'
    'Well, it was to be kept secret fro m my uncle who does not approve and who is mortally sick. It was to be kept from him until Dwight came home and we were to see him together. Because of me, because of the difficulties which arose, Dwight joined the Navy.' Caroline seemed out of breath.
    Verity went to a sidetable and picked up a decanter. Liquid bobbled in a glass, which Caroline took with a nod, though she still did not drink.
    Verity said: `I knew he was in the Navy. Not the reason.'
    'He sailed just after Christmas, and I have had two letters from him. He is in the Channel patrol, part ' of the Western Squadron under Sir Edward Pellew. He is in a frigate under Sir Edward Pellow.'
    Verity stared at her. 'Yes? Oh , .. Do you mean he has been in this latest action?'
    `I do not know for sure. But someone called on me this morning. I was told of the action. I was told that one English ship was sunk. Do you know its name?'
    `I think . Wait a minute - I have a news sheet.' Verity went across the room and fumbled among some woollen things. `This is it Yes, the Travail, ' She looked up. `It was lost off the French coast. Miss Penvenen, don't tell me that ...'
    Caroline sat down on the nearest chair, and a little brandy s pilled on the carpet. Verity ran to her, put her arm round her.
    `Wel l, my dear,' Caroline said, `it is very embarra ssing for me, I assure you, for I have, only known you five mi nutes, but I feel rather sick.'
    `Do you know I do not believe' I was meant to be a sailor's wife . You must know more of it than I, Verity, how one should behave.'
    `Drink this. Just a little. It will do you good'
    `Yet I was never one to collapse as a blushing maiden. My old nurse did not encourage it. "Yo ung ladies," she used to say, is meant to be strong , not grow up like lent lilies. So I rarely if ever faint as a pastime.'
    `Put your head back now. You will be better soon.'
    `Oh, I am better. W ho am I to complain? It is the others who are not better.,
    'The ship was wrecked, not sunk by the French. It all took place i n a gale. There will have been many, survivors.'
    Caroline lay back for a while, drawing in slow breaths. `Do you know all the way across here, I was saying, that stupid man Unwin Trevaunance has made a mi stake! When I get there I shall find, that I am being deceived by this irritating custom of the Admiralty for naming so, many ships so nearly alike. It will not be just that one. It will not be the Travail. I will find it is the Turmoil or the Terror or the Trident. All the, way here I kept saying to myself . `You should not be too upset, my dear. Anything may have happened. He might be safe and well.'
    `I thought, I must go and see Ross's cousin. I will pay her a social call. There is really no one else. Of course I could have gone to Susan Pellew herself we have met once; or to Mary Trefusis, or to one of the other people whom I have ; some acquaintance with; but it seemed - I felt it more natural to cal l upon Ross's cousin whom I had never met!'
    'It was right. How I wish Andrew were here. And James, Andrew's son, i s at sea too. But I must think
    `Are there no details in the news sheet?'
    `Nothing. Just repeating a dispatch from Captain Pellew, who is still at sea. It simply says about the Travail t hat she took the ground in the in the Bay of Audierne and that the Mermaid when attempting rescue work narrowly escaped shipwreck herself:'
    `Where can we ask Is there anyone: who will know more?
    `That is, what I have been thinking. I think the news was brought in by a naval sloop. Because of Andrew I am well known in the Packet Office. Ben Pender is usually there until eight. If anyone would know, he would. I'll come with you, of course. I think I hear Mrs Stevens has returned, so I, can leave little Andrew with her. Do you feel able to walk?'
    `Oh, yes. Oh, yes. My knees are

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