The Brass Ring
failed to save their child's life.
    She stepped out of the room, grabbing the chart as she went. She signed off on the paperwork, taking a quick glance to note the girl's name and her parent's names. She handed the paperwork over to the desk clerk and noted that it was after three a.m. "I'm done for tonight," se muttered grimly. The clerk simply nodded in understanding. "Where are . . . " She stopped her inquiry, noting the resemblance to the girl, Susan. ". . .never mind. I see them."
    As she approached them, she spotted a lone figure hiding in the corner. CC looked like she had been through hell and back. "Oh baby, why are you still doing this?" she murmured quietly. Jamie spoke carefully to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. They were shattered. She tried to be comforting as Susan’s mother screamed "Why?" Jamie watched CC out of the corner of her eye while she tried to comfort the grieving parents. She watched as the brunette was sucked into her own private hell.
    CC had been five when her brother committed suicide. Jamie had heard the story of how the young girl had found him hanging in his bedroom. She knew that CC had been a volunteer for a teen crisis hotline back when they were dating. She’d always been proud of her for turning her own tragedy into something positive. At this moment, watching and knowing that it was CC who had been the one on the telephone was tearing Jamie apart.
    Jamie was miffed that the Johnsons rebuffed her offer to provide them with phone numbers of councilors. They seemed to be blaming the crisis hotline for their daughter's suicide. Jamie tried to shake it off. They were in shock. She finished talking to them as she watched azure eyes filling with tears. CC wrapped her arms around herself as she stood there alone. Jamie called for a nurse to take the Johnsons to see their daughter.
    After they left, she stood and ran after CC who had stormed out of the waiting room. It didn't take her long to find the woman outside, clinging to the brick wall as she wept. Jamie choked as she watched CC slump down on the ground. Jamie raced over. She knelt down and wrapped the distraught woman in her arms. CC curled up in her embrace and wept.


    J AMIE'S HEAD WAS pounding as she tried to open her eyes. The effort alone caused a searing pain to stab at her already muddled brain. Finally she managed to prop open one eyelid. The sight that emerged before her was startling and very pleasant. She blinked open her other eye. Then she blinked once again. Seeing that it wasn't a mirage, she stared intently at what she was using as a pillow. ‘ Yep, that's a breast. A really nice breast,’ she said to herself as she snuggled closer. She closed her eyes, enjoying the comfortable warmth emanating from the naked body beneath her.
    She was just about to drift back to sleep when reality came crashing down around her. Her eyes flew open as she bolted up into a sitting position. "Oh God," she groaned as her head pounded violently. Feeling the chill of the morning air, she looked down to find herself completely naked. "Oh God," she repeated as she wrapped the sheet around her.
    As she pulled the sheet around herself, she managed to reveal the naked body she’d been resting on. "Oh God," she said again, only this time her voice was filled with desire. CC groaned from beneath her. "Please stop saying that," the brunette pleaded as she placed a pillow over her head. "What the hell am I doing in bed with you?" Jamie shouted, which only increased the pounding from her hangover. She winced in pain, swaying for a moment, and feeling slightly nauseous. Something caught her eye. "When did this happen?" she inquired as her fingers began to trace a soothing pattern over the scars on CC's abdomen. CC reached out to clasp her hand while still hiding her face under the pillow.
    Jamie pulled her fingers back as if she had been burned. "Never mind," she berated herself. "Let's get back to the first question. Why are we in

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