The Bronzed Hawk

The Bronzed Hawk by Iris Johansen

Book: The Bronzed Hawk by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
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weak that she doubted if she could move a muscle except at his urging. He seemed to be controlling not only her physical responses but the surroundings around them. He had narrowed the world down until it contained only his intent, dark face and the flaming sky above them.
    “Oh, my God!” Her voice was hoarse with terror. “We’re on fire!”
    “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” Nick said chuckling, his eyes on the taut pink bud he was caressing.
    “No!” she cried frantically. “Nick, we’re really on fire. The balloon’s on fire!”
    He lifted his head swiftly to the nylon mushroom above them and the flame that was licking at the base of the chute. He uttered a string of obscenities before sitting bolt upright and rapidly buttoning his shirt.
    “What can we do?” Kelly asked frantically. “Can we put it out?”
    “Not a chance,” he said tersely. He stood up and went quickly to the pile of supplies and blankets beside the burners. “In about two minutes that canopy is going to be completely engulfed in flames, and we’ll drop like a stone. We’ll have to jump.” He had retrieved a bright orange parachute pack and was strapping it on swiftly. “And it’s going to take me that long to get into this thing.”
    “Jump?” Kelly repeated, sitting up dazedly. “I don’t even know how to use a parachute.”
    His lips curved wryly. “I’m afraid any skills you might have would be useless, anyway. I wasn’t expecting a passenger, so there’s only one parachute.”
    “Only one …” she said faintly, her eyes widening.
    “Don’t worry,” he said, his expression terse. “I’ll take care of you.”
    “Don’t worry!” she almost shouted, as she jumped to her feet. “I’m seventeen thousand feet above the ground in a balloon that’s about to go up in flames, and I don’t have a parachute! And you tell me not to worry?”
    “Well, a little concern might not be out of place,” he admitted. “We’ll just use my parachute. Now, get dressed.”
    In her shock she had totally forgotten that her blouse was completely opened. She turned away from him and hastily put her clothes in order.
    “Make sure your belt is tightly fastened,” he said.
    Was the man completely mad? she wondered. Nevertheless, she did what he told her.
    He had the parachute on now, and he quickly rummaged through the supplies as she zipped up her jacket. “Good thing I had this with me,” he said, holding up a small device.
    A mountaineering snap link, she thought dazedly. “Will it work?” she asked as he stooped slightly and attached the link to her belt, then to the harness of the parachute, binding them very close together.
    “Sure, it will,” he said, straightening and simultaneously lifting her. “Now, wrap your legs around me and grab on to the front of the harness—tight. Much as I’d like to, I won’t be able to hold on to you. I’ll be too busy with the parachute.”
    As she held tightly to the harness front, her legs wrapped around him, he hoisted them both up onto the rim of the basket, then swung his legs to the outside of the gondola.
    Kelly shivered in fear. She was jumping out of a balloon with only a snap link and her own strong arms to rely on.
    Nick looked down at her face, his expression suddenly serious. “You’re not really frightened, are you?” he asked quietly. “You know that I wouldn’t let anything hurt you.”
    She raised her eyes to meet his grave, steady gaze, and suddenly her fear was gone. She knew that she’d never be safer than when she was with this eccentric, dynamic man. “No, I’m not afraid,” she said softly, her eyes alight with warm trust and a hint of wry humor. “I’m just ruing the day that I decided to blackmail Superman. I don’t think I’m cut out for flying without wings.”
    “Don’t knock it until you try it, Lois,” he said. There was a reckless smile on his face. “This isn’t the way I wanted to send you soaring, love,

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