The Christmas Box
    And to this day, the Christmas Bo x r emains a source of great joy to me.
    For though it appears empty, to me i t c ontains all that Christmas is mad e o f, the root of all wonder in a child' s e yes, and the source of the magic of Christmases for centuries to come.
    More than giving, more than believing, for these are mere manifestations of the contents of that box. Th e s acred contents of that box are a parent's pure love for a child, manifeste d f irst by a Father's love for all His children, as He sacrificed that which H e l oved most and sent His son to eart h o n that Christmas day so long ago.
    And as long as the earth lives, an d l onger, that message will never die.
    Though the cold winds of life may pu t a frost on the heart of many, tha t m essage alone will shelter the hear t f rom life's storms. And for me, as lon g a s I live, the magic inside the Christmas Box will never die.
    It never will.

    In Memoriam:
    The Angel statue, of which the autho r makes mention, was destroyed in 1984 by the great floods that cam e through the Salt Lake Valley.
    A new Angel monument, in remembrance of all those who have lost children, was erected in the same Salt Lake City cemetery and dedicated December 6, 1994.
    The author wishes to invite al l those who find themselves in Salt Lake City to lay a white flower at the statue's base.
    The address of the City Cemeter y is:
    City Cemetery

200 "N" Street
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
    Please send flowers to the attention of the City Sexton.

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