The Dark Half of the Sun (The Young Ancients: Timon)

The Dark Half of the Sun (The Young Ancients: Timon) by P.S. Power

Book: The Dark Half of the Sun (The Young Ancients: Timon) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.S. Power
Tags: Fantasy
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didn't have a fraction of the cooks and bakers needed. Godfrey mentioned it firmly to Smythe, clearly expecting that the Military Counselor could do something about it. It wasn't exactly a hard problem to fix. Timon saw the simple answer almost instantly.
    "Start a school for it. If the military is having problems getting cooks and bakers, teach some of the kids here to do it, so they have a better shot at a military job in a few years. Claim it's official training so that any of them that pass can go in directly if they want. That gives them a better shot and you the help you need." He looked at Ali and let his eyebrows raise a little. "You're related to a dozen bakers Alyssa. Use your family ties to bring some in to teach. I bet there are others, cooks and what not, that will be willing to do it. They can practice by fixing meals for everyone each day."
    Everyone stared at him for a bit, like it was a bad idea, except Smythe who started nodding and moved to stand next to him, clapping Timon on the shoulder. It was with his right hand, which he could feel was made of magic as soon as it connected. That was slightly surprising, but he managed not to jump. It was very good work, which got him to stare at it for a second as it rested on his shoulder. The man removed it quickly then, but Timon shook his head, not wanting the Counselor to feel insulted.
    "Just admiring the craftsmanship." He didn't add anything else, so that Smythe wouldn't be embarrassed.
    He flexed the hand and nodded, looking oddly content.
    "As good as the real thing... at any rate, I find that an admirable solution as well. Lady Baker, would you be so kind as to attend a meeting with the King on the matter? We've struggled for years to address that situation, and this might be the solution we need." The older man looked at them all, one by one, his eyes finally resting on the boy that had been robbed earlier. "You see, the young men and women that have skills to cook and bake aren't normally the kind that wish to join the military. On the other side, when we've insisted that some learn the skills, instead of fighting, they tend to do a poor job of it and leave after a single tour of duty, feeling that the military didn't live up to expectations. Everyone wants to be an elite soldier, or part of the new Flying Corps. Without cooks though, they all starve. Do you think that any of your fellows here would take such positions?" His gaze was searching, almost fatherly in a way however, as if he was honestly going to base his recommendations on what the kid said.
    "Sir. Anyone here would take that over an early death in the mines and most would find it pref'ble to whoring. Sir." It wasn't in perfect military style, but it was decently close as far as Timon could tell.
    It seemed it was good enough to start with at least.
    "Very good Remy. For now I'd like you to stay with Major Godfrey. We probably won't be able to find out who did this today, so please watch him and make certain that no one harms him. If they try, you aren't to fight them, but rather run away as fast as possible and call for help. Can you do that for me?"
    That got the kid to look wide eyed and a little scared, but he stood straighter and looked proud at the same time. Trusted. Which he was, Timon realized, since the boy had already passed a Truth test and to do that he'd had to prove he was basically an honest person, not working against the Kingdom. It was as good a way to test a person as any, as far as that kind of thing went.
    Then, even though it didn't make that much sense to Timon, they headed back to the palace. They had daylight for more investigation, but Smythe was planning on bringing in a team of people to help do the work of checking everyone. An elite squad that had forty people that could question people at one time.
    "It will be more efficient than just going from soldier to soldier asking if they know anything ourselves. We'll get to the bottom of this shortly, I'm

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