The Dating Deal
holding hands with Laura.
    I shouldn’t let him get to me now, I told myself.  I should be an Ice Queen.

chapter 11 
    Tonight I stayed up practically all night writing in my journal, which happens to be my laptop computer.  I lay in bed and typed away at top speed, ignoring the spell checker, just typing anything and everything that came into my mind.  I had so many thoughts and questions and hopes about both Trent and Conner and I just typed them as they came to me, crying sometimes. But always typing.  Typing, typing, typing. 
    What has gotten into Trent?  He not only came to church, which in itself is pretty much a miracle, but he also stayed for the whole three hours.  Why?  Why would he do that?  I could understand if he knew anything about our religion.  Anything.  But as far as I know, I’m the only Mormon he’s ever associated with in his life.  And he only started to get to know me this week.
    And another thing about that:  Why does he act as though he knows me?  Why?!!!  Telling Aspen that he didn’t go to a school dance before because until now he hadn’t met the “right girl.”  And why did he say Conner would want me back once he realized what a “great girl” he lost?  And why did he tell Caitlin I was “good and sweet”?  What makes him think he knows me?  And what made him say all of those things?  Just to irritate Aspen?  Just to make Caitlin mad?
    And why is he breaking all of his rules?  Why is he taking me, of all people, to the dance?  He never took any of his girlfriends, and they were, well, his girlfriends.  And they were all popular, and beautiful, and his type.  I’m none of those things.  I’m just me.
    And what’s up with Conner?  He had to go see the Bishop?  And he can’t take the sacrament?  I’m not sure what that even means, exactly.  I guess he and Laura … I don’t know.  I don’t even want to think about it, but it’s making me cry.  I can’t believe how much he’s changed in just two months.  Two months!  But
    The words stopped appearing on my screen.  Grrr!  My computer crashed, again! 
    “Hunk of junk,” I grumbled as I put my laptop away and crawled back into bed. 
    Just the other night my computer had crashed while I was in the middle of an English paper.  I had to redo hordes of my work because I’m not much of a saver. As I’m in the throes of writing, I don’t think about saving.  I just let my fingers work magic.  That had been fine with my old computer.  It had been slow, but reliable.  Unfortunately, I’d let Conner talk me into selling it.
    “This thing’s ancient,” he would always complain.  “You could pick up something way faster on e-bay.”
    Finally, he wore me down.  I sold my trusty Mac, my friend.
    Conner helped me choose a laptop off e-bay Local, so I could pick it up without having to pay for shipping.  He promised that my new computer would be way faster.  And it was.  It was super quick.  The only problem was, it was also super quick to crash.
     “I’m going to sell it,” I told myself before drifting off to sleep.  No need to keep Conner mistakes lingering around, tormenting me.
    I even knew where I could get a new Mac.  Nina’s brother was leaving on his mission soon and eager to sell his.  Yay for me!
    The next morning, I put my laptop up for sale on e-bay before leaving for seminary.  And three days later it was sold for a nice price, considering.  But when I told Trent my happy news at lunch, he didn’t seem happy for me.  He seemed concerned. 
    “It’s no big deal,” I told him.  “I sold my other computer on e-bay.  Everything was fine.”
    That didn’t appease Trent.  He still seemed concerned.  “Did you already send it?”
    I polished off my pizza. “No.  I didn’t sell it locally this time.  I have to box it up.”
    Trent bit his lip.  “Megan,

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