The Demigods of Olympus: An Interactive Adventure
died painfully.
    “It’s going to be all right,” I told Sam. “We’re in this together. I don’t like the idea of staying here overnight, though. How about we get going?”
    Sam took a deep breath. “Yeah. It’s a long way to Austin.”
    “Then let’s get started.” I grabbed one of the hiking packs and slung it over my shoulder. “Let’s go find out who my godly parent is.”

WARNING! You’re about to spoil a great story by not making a choice! Page back, then click one of the links to advance the story. Otherwise, the next section may not make any sense to you.

“Woods,” I said slowly, worrying that the leonte was simply waiting at the edge of the tree line for us to come back.
    Sam nodded, thinking. “Maybe that’s a better choice.”
    “Has to be better than this one,” I said, starting back toward the forest.
    “Not necessarily,” said Sam.
    Together we carefully entered the woods. Not seeing any sign of the leonte , we sprinted through the trees until we reached the edge of the river. I was having second thoughts as we stared at the frothing water, the swirling eddies, the sharp-edged rocks…until a loud growl brought me back to my new reality.
    Sam shuddered. “Give me your folder. Just in case.”
    I hadn’t even thought about the red folder getting ruined. I handed it to Sam, who pulled a Ziploc bag out of his backpack. He wrapped up the folder and stuffed it in his bag.
    “Why do you always carry Ziplocs?” I asked.
    “They make great snacks.”
    I hoped he was kidding. Then again, I had no idea what satyrs considered tasty junk food.
    I took a few steps back and inhaled deeply.
    Another roar, this time much closer.
    “Go!” said Sam, and I sprinted for the river. When I reached its bank, I planted my foot in the soft mud and took a wild leap. I knew immediately that I’d misjudged the distance, and I flailed my arms as I crashed near the opposite bank.
    I landed hard in the shallow water, a small boulder high-fiving my chest and smashing the wind out of me. I moaned as I clung to the slippery rock and tried to catch my breath, the howls of the leonte growing closer.
    Two hooves landed with a thump right in front of my face, and I looked up to see Sam there, staring down at me with a concerned look. “Not sure this was the best decision,” he said, reaching down and yanking me to my feet. I winced, ignoring the pain shooting through my limbs. “We’re stuck with it, though, so come on.”
    He took off running through the woods, and I did my best to follow. My knee ached from the fall, and I was sure my chest was bruised. Five minutes…then ten. How far was this place?
    Sam had to keep stopping to wait for me. “I think the leonte ran downstream,” he said, anxiously looking behind me. “Probably looking for a better place to cross. That’ll buy us a little more time, but we really, really have to hurry.”
    Too winded to speak, I nodded and gulped as much air as I could. Sweat poured down my face and my thighs screamed in protest. Twice I fell and had to be hauled to my feet by my satyr protector.
    I was contemplating whether death by lion would be more or less painful than a heart attack when we burst into a clearing behind the old public library.
    “Yes!” said Sam. “Let’s get inside!”
    The town library had been shut down several years ago—something about state funding cuts. With its red brick facade, white columns, and clock tower, the library had always been the nicest building on Main Street. Now that it was closed, it felt like the town’s heart had stopped beating.
    The windows were dark. The main entrance was boarded up. Taggers had spray-painted neon graffiti across the front steps.
    “How do we get in?” I asked.
    “Around the side.” Sam led me to a storm cellar entrance half-hidden in the bushes. A big padlock hung from the latch, but Sam produced a key from his backpack and opened the lock.
    “You’re full of surprises,” I noticed.

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