The Devil's Seal

The Devil's Seal by Peter Tremayne Page B

Book: The Devil's Seal by Peter Tremayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Tremayne
Tags: Fiction, Historical
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from her expression that she was troubled.
    ‘I presume that you did not see Brother Cerdic when you came to the palace to look for Abbot Ségdae?’ Fidelma went on, apparently ignoring their reaction.
    ‘We did not,’ replied the abbess immediately. ‘Are you saying he has only recently been found?’
    ‘He was found dead in the chapel,’ Eadulf confirmed. ‘I found him.’
    ‘And he was murdered, you say?’
    ‘Stabbed to death,’ confirmed Eadulf, deciding to leave aside the fact that his throat had been cut.
    ‘That will cast a blight over this visit,’ muttered Abbess Líoch.
    ‘Whatever this visit is about,’ Fidelma said, adding, ‘I was hoping that you might be able to shed some light on it, as no one else seems able to do so.’
    ‘I can tell you no more than I have already. All I know is that this deputation is coming to discuss some matters with the King and our Chief Bishop, Abbot Ségdae of Imleach. The rest is beyond my understanding.’
    ‘I hoped that you might know more. No matter. I presume you saw nothing while you were looking for Abbot Ségdae?’
    ‘What, for instance?’
    ‘Perhaps you went near the chapel?’ Fidelma suggested. ‘You might have seen someone nearby; someone entering or leaving?’
    ‘We saw no one,’ the woman replied firmly.
    They had reached the gates of the palace and Luan, still on guard duty, came forward.
    ‘Get the
, the stable-master, to take our guests’ horses,’ instructed Fidelma. ‘Then send someone to find Beccan so that he may arrange accommodation for the abbess and her steward.’
    A few moments later, Fidelma and Eadulf watched as Beccan conducted the abbess and her companion away towards the guest quarters.
    ‘Do you believe her?’ Eadulf asked.
    Fidelma sighed. ‘It will not help us at this stage to confront her. What should we confront her with, anyway? Something is definitely not right here . . . yet the Líoch I knew was never given to subterfuge. However, I have not seen much of her since she returned from Oswy’s Kingdom and became Abbess of Cill Náile. She appears to have changed considerably. The carefree young girl I knew has gone. She seems so morose! You noted the black mantle she now wears, and her manner of speaking to me as if she is speaking to a stranger?’
    ‘And was that how she greeted you earlier when she met you and Alchú on the track here?’
    ‘It was, although I did not set any store by it then.’
    ‘And now?’
    ‘There is little we can do until we obtain some more information.’
    ‘We can question her companion,’ Eadulf suggested. ‘If Abbess Líoch is not forthcoming, perhaps she will be.’
    ‘Sister Dianaimh? The
is so quiet, it’s as if she is but a shadow. You would almost think that she did not exist. She has a strange name – one that I have not encountered before.’ Fidelma grimaced without humour. ‘It’s a Laighin name, and means “Flawless One”. She should have been named “Silent One”. Well, I suppose there is little we can do but find out if anyone was seen lurking around the chapel when you were in there. You said that Brother Conchobhar didn’t see anything?’
    ‘Nothing. You know – Aillín is right,’ Eadulf suddenly declared.
    Fidelma turned to him. ‘Right about what?’
    ‘If I were in his place, I would suspect me.’
    ‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ she snapped.
    ‘You forget that I am an Angle. I could easily have known Brother Cerdic before. I know something of the kingdom from which his bishop comes. Who is to say that I did not know him or anything about this curious deputation?’
    Fidelma suddenly chuckled, causing Eadulf to look puzzled.
    ‘It’s the first time I have heard someone
to be a suspect in a murder.’
    Eadulf grinned. ‘All I am saying is that Aillín has a point.’
    ‘Aillín is a bitter old man who was not talented enough to be endorsed as Chief Brehon by the Council of Brehons. Only Áedo’s death

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