The Dungeons of Torgar

The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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nervously dig the butts of their pikes into the hillside to steady their shaky hands. The knights reach the hill. They thunder up the slope. A blaze of lightning hurtles from the top of the temple but it is mistimed: it crackles harmlessly over their heads and explodes behind them, hurling nothing but scorched earth into the sky. The Prince screams his battle-cry and the knights slam into the Drakkarim with a deafening roar. Men and metal howl in agony as the heavy horses break like a wave against the wall of pikes. You see a rider lifted out of his saddle on the point of a pike, and a ramp of black metal suddenly appears where a score of Drakkarim have been trampled into the ground. The Prince and a dozen of his bravest knights break through and gallop on towards the temple, but the Drakkarim quickly close ranks and seal the gap. The remaining Palace Guard are forced to a halt and engage the pikemen in fierce hand-to-hand combat.
    You reach the hill and leap over the steel-clad bodies that litter the slope. As you near the mêlée you see two Drakkarim rushing towards you from the side, their axes raised to hack you down. ‘For Sommerlund!’ you cry, and turn to face their attack.
    Drakkarim: COMBAT SKILL  22    ENDURANCE  32
    If you win the combat, turn to 297 .

    The swirling mists draw in towards the marble block. They grow darker as they merge into a solid shape that resembles a huge, sabre-toothed jackal with smooth cream-coloured skin. Ice sheens on his muscular body and wisps of black smoke curl from his snuffling snout. Roark and his followers throw themselves to their knees and praise the creature devoutly. He responds by lowering his glowing eyes and regarding them with disdain.
    Illustration VII —A huge, sabre-toothed jackal with cream-coloured skin regards them with disdain.
    ‘Why do you summon me here?’ he says, his voice deep and rasping. But before Roark can offer a reply, the Demonlord swivels his head in your direction and emits a fearful snarl.
    If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 26 .
    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 213 .

    The sergeant screams an order and his men lunge forward, hoping to skewer you with their long straight swords. Coolly you parry their first attack and retreat just far enough to prevent them from getting behind you. With a yell of anger and frustration, the sergeant urges his men to attack you once more.
    Partisan Horsemen: COMBAT SKILL  28    ENDURANCE  32
    If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight.
    You can evade combat after two rounds of fighting; turn to 39 .
    If you win the combat, turn to 239 .

    You draw an Arrow and let it fly at the leading creature. It pierces its hairless skull and sends it reeling into the bushes. The others gurgle their displeasure and fix you with their murderous black eyes as they make ready to rush forward and attack.
    Krorn: COMBAT SKILL  20    ENDURANCE  33
    If you win the combat, turn to 84 .

    The hoarse cries of soldiers and the blare of war trumpets announce preparations for an assault across the causeway. Armoured infantry gather in a spearhead formation and wait for the order to advance towards a wall of logs and earth, which has been thrown up to protect the vanguard troops dug in on the causeway itself. These warriors scuttle about behind their ramparts, holding arched wooden shields over their bent backs to protect them against the arrows raining down from the battlements. The iron gate stands less than fifty yards from their position, and this approach is heaped with the bodies of those who have fallen during previous assaults.
    You accompany Lord Adamas as he makes his way through the massed ranks of infantry and enters a trench which zigzags towards the causeway. He stops at a log-lined hollow dug out of the trench wall and speaks with a captain who is lying there nursing a broken arm. The

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