The Dungeons of Torgar

The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever

Book: The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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satchel from your shoulder, prime the crystal explosive, and sprint back, counting the seconds with every step. Suddenly a terrific jolt throws you forward and a dull throbbing pain spreads across your back. A falling rock has clipped your shoulder blade and knocked you to the ground: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
    Desperation suppresses the pain and you scramble over the rampart with only one second to spare.
    Turn to 301 .

    The third day of your voyage is accompanied by a cold west wind that blows across the desolate swamp and chills you to the bone. Clumps of twisted grey foliage line the channel along which you row, releasing nauseating clouds of gas as your bow-wave laps at their rotting roots. At length, you pass by these poisoned shrubs and reach a wider waterway where the current flows against you.
    ‘We must be getting near the Torg estuary,’ says Jarel, now having to labour at the oars in order to make headway. He continues for a few minutes more, and then, just as you are about to take your turn at rowing, the mouth of the River Torg looms into view.
    Turn to 209 .

    You recognize the pale, badly scarred features of Roark, lord of the Salonese town of Amory. He has aged much since your last meeting: his jet-black hair is now streaked with grey and he walks with a stoop, as if burdened by a heavy pack. But his eyes are still as cold and as cruel as they were when he attempted to kill you four years ago.
    Turn to 263 .

    At point-blank range your Arrow strikes the Drakkarim leader's armour with lethal force; it punches through the thick metal plate which protects his chest and skewers his heart. As he crashes to the ground, the other warriors draw their swords and rush forward to avenge his death.
    Élite Death Knights: COMBAT SKILL  38    ENDURANCE  45
    If you win the combat, turn to 162 .

    King Sarnac and a host of mounted knights block the road that leads to Blackshroud. They sit astride their warhorses, their armour dented and stained with the blood of the Baron's cavalry, all of whom they have slain in battle or put to flight. The Baron thunders towards them at breakneck speed, but the King and his knights remain grimly immobile, like a wall of tarnished steel. Slowly they lower their lances as the Baron speeds nearer and nearer. With a last defiant cry of anger, the Baron and his horse smash headlong into the line. There is a sickening screech of buckling metal and rearing horses, and then the Baron reappears, hoisted into the air, impaled on the tip of King Sarnac's lance.
    Turn to 300 .

    You focus your Magnakai skill on the lumbering reptile and command it to retreat. It halts and raises its horned head, its hungry eyes regarding you with suspicion. Then, with a snort of disdain, it turns and crawls back into the tall grass.
    Turn to 144 .

    ‘Meet your doom, Eruan scum!’ he sneers, as he strides across the square, his fearsome axe raised to strike. You lift the Sommerswerd and level it at his head; the blade shimmers gold as the sunlight catches upon its tip and charges it with power. A flicker of doubt passes across the Baron's eyes, but he shrugs aside his fear and continues to advance. With a roar like a howling gale the blade of his axe is transformed into a mass of scarlet flame that reeks of sulphurous decay.
    Illustration VI —‘Meet your doom, Eruan scum!’ he sneers, his fearsome axe raised to strike.
    Baron Shinzar (with Ogg-kor-kaggaz): COMBAT SKILL  40    ENDURANCE  50
    Intoxicated by the power of the weapon he wields, the Baron is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).
    You may evade combat after three rounds; turn to 229 .
    If you win the combat, turn to 300 .

    Prince Graygor's voice rings out above the din of battle as he orders the Palace Guard to charge the pikemen. The ground shakes beneath the pounding of the horses' hooves as they gather speed, their pennons streaming from their levelled lances. The Drakkarim huddle shoulder to shoulder and

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