The Elementalist
state. “Can you be patient… just for a while longer?”
    Patient ? Was he serious? I shook my head as I sat there, frozen in disbelief. How could they give me the man that I loved and then take him away? Why would they do this? Why? Tears formed in my eyes as Adam backed away. I reached for him, but he disappeared from sight without a word.

    ~Dance Class~
    The next morning, with a broken heart and swollen eyes, I drove to Ocean Side High. I’d cried all night. Claire’s mom had been beside herself with worry when she saw my face at breakfast, but with a new day came a new resolve. I decided to square my shoulders and press on, even though Brecken didn’t remember me.
    Claire’s mother was still in the dark about my switching schools, and there was going to be fireworks when she found out, but I couldn’t let the opportunity to be with Brecken pass me by. I needed to make him remember, one way or another. If heaven wouldn’t help me, I’d help myself.
    Brecken’s first period was—if you could believe it—Intermediate Ballroom Dance. A grant had been given to the school by some famous dancer to boost the arts a few years back, and I learned that this class was one of the perks. Yeah, I was pretty surprised that Brecken could dance, but it did sound fun, and how hard could it be? I’d never taken a ballroom dance class before, but I wasn’t a complete idiot.
    There were about twenty girls to maybe eight guys, so this was going to be interesting. Risers lined the back wall of the classroom where we sat, waiting for the instructor to begin. She strutted to the front, wearing sexy, spiky heels and a sleek black leotard with a flowy dance skirt that swirled around her thighs. I had to admit, she looked great for someone so old. She had to be at least forty.
    “Class. Welcome to Intermediate ballroom dance. This is my favorite level because we really get into the good stuff and you already know the basics. You’ll learn quickly, which will make it more fun. Ballroom dance is the most beautiful and most sensual form of dance you will ever learn. Some of you are experienced enough to know that already.” She smiled and glanced at a few of her students.
    The teacher, Mrs. Blackthorn, had curves in all the right places and as she made her way to the center of the room, smiling and pointing to someone too far back to see, my heart skipped a beat. He stood up and met her in the center of the room.
    I hadn’t seen him come in, and I’d assumed he was late.
    He wasn’t wearing his combat boots either, which surprised me. In fact, he was wearing dress shoes with jeans and a T-shirt. Upon closer inspection, I noticed they weren’t dress shoes at all, but dance shoes. Real dance shoes.
    My mouth dropped as I stared, watching him take Mrs. Blackthorn’s hand. He put his arms around her, holding his elbows squared, like a professional. I couldn’t stop gaping. This was a side of Brecken I’d never known and he’d never shown me, except when he’d exited my car. He could dance?
    Before they started, Mrs. Blackthorn addressed the class. “This is Brecken Shaefer, my assistant for this term. He has taken all the ballroom classes I offer, and will instruct as well as partner, so everyone will have a turn to practice.”
    The music started, and they moved in the most beautiful tango I’d ever seen. Brecken didn’t smile or look directly at any of us as we watched from the risers. If I would have known he could dance like this… Dang!
    During their short, two-minute demonstration, I glanced around and noticed all the girls staring at Brecken. They drooled and so did I. We all watched him with rapt fascination. He was older than most and seemed more mature. Suddenly, I realized I might have to deal with competition since he couldn’t remember me. Could I deal with that along with everything else I was going through? Could I handle seeing him with other girls, gazing at them like he used to

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