The Game of Denial
NEXT," FRAN announced, bouncing eagerly on the balls of her feet.
    Joan groaned as she set her glass down, but smiled. "Is this let's keep Mom occupied night?" she asked as Fran pulled her off her chair.
    Thankfully Fran had chosen a song with a much slower pace. With anyone other than her daughter, Joan would have considered it romantic. As they moved around the floor, she glimpsed toward their table. Evey was watching them. Joan would have enjoyed the slow dance with Evey in her arms, but dancing with your daughter and an attractive woman who happened to be her future son-inlaw's mother were two totally different things.
    "Mom?" Fran said.
    "Yes, baby."
    "You like Brad's family, don't you?"
    "They seem very nice. I hope having all of us here isn't running them ragged." Joan looked over Fran's shoulder and saw Meg dancing with Ray Grisham. She wasn't as experienced a dancer as her older sisters, but seemed to be enjoying herself. Partway through the dance she saw another young man tap Ray on the shoulder to break in to the dance. Ray patted him on the shoulder and rejoined his parents at their table. Joan frowned as the young man slid his hand down Meg's back to her butt and pulled her hips tightly against his. Meg reached back and moved his hand, stepping away from him slightly to create space between them. Despite that, he continued attempting to force Meg closer to him.
    Joan sat heavily in her chair and welcomed the respite from the dance floor. So far she had danced with all of her daughters, her son, and her daughter-in-law. She was grateful that her daily runs kept her legs in shape. Otherwise they would feel like limp spaghetti. She chatted with Evey for a few minutes and caught her breath.
    "Excuse me, Mrs. Carmichael," a voice said. Joan looked up and saw Beth's face. The young woman looked around and appeared nervous. "Would you care to dance?" Beth finally asked.
    Another dance was the last thing Joan wanted at that moment, but she managed a smile and pushed her chair back.
    "You don't have to," Evey whispered.
    "It's okay," Joan said as she took the hand Beth offered.
    When they reached the dance floor Beth said in a low voice, "I usually lead. I suck at following."
    Joan smiled at the young woman. "Whatever's most comfortable for you," she said.
    Halfway through the dance Joan asked, "Do your mother and brothers know?"
    "No one knows," Beth answered.
    "I do," Joan said. Then as if she were reading Beth's mind, she added, "I won't tell."
    Beth smiled. "Thanks." As almost an afterthought, she added, "I like Fran a lot." She saw the look on Joan's face. "She's been like a sister to me and Brad's a lucky guy."
    When the dance ended, Joan sat down again, but saw Beth and Tully having words at the far end of the table. Finally Beth laughed and pulled Tully up to force him to dance with his sister.
    Joan continued to watch the interaction between Meg and the young man who had been intent on groping her earlier. The young man was attractive in a rough sort of way and apparently knew it. He had pulled a chair over to their table and wedged himself into a small space next to Meg. All of her children were hers and Martine's, but she had given birth to Meg and even though the girl had been a pain in her ass as a teenager, Joan would defend and protect her. So far Joan wasn't liking what seemed to be developing at the far end of the table.
    Joan was finishing her second beer of the evening when Charmaine squatted down next to her. Joan smiled at her and rested a hand on the back of her daughter's neck.
    "Are you watching Meg?" Charmaine asked in a low voice.
    "Yep," Joan answered, looking around.
    "Just checking. Tucker's watching, too."
    "Kind of a sticky wicket. Think Meg can handle it?"
    "Guess we'll see."
    "I don't want to step in unless she asks me to. How much has she had to drink?"
    "One beer and not even all of that. It's not her favorite drink. But Tully and that other guy have been slamming them down pretty

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