The Heart of Lies

The Heart of Lies by Debra Burroughs Page B

Book: The Heart of Lies by Debra Burroughs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Burroughs
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Romantic Mystery
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trying to find something out for you,” Isabel guessed.
    “Yeah, maybe. Can you check with him? Because if that’s the case, then someone he told didn’t want me to have it.”
    “Perhaps they don’t want you snooping around, uncovering their real identities. Do you want to spend the night here?” Isabel offered.
    “No. I think they already got what they came for.”

    Seven o’clock was approaching, and Emily arrived to see Lucas and his team busy setting up the large conference room at the Paradise Valley Hilton Hotel, preparing for the first of several sales presentations for the new Whitetail Ski and Golf Resort.
    Fiona was busy setting out stacks of brochures and financing flyers on one of the green-skirted rectangular tables that sat at the front of the room.
    Emily looked around for her friends, but they had not arrived yet. A few people were already milling around, though, talking in small groups, or watching the presentation being set up.
    Lucas and the three real estate agents he had contracted with were setting up the renderings. They were positioning them across the front of the room on gleaming brass easels. The massive main lodge, the lush green golf course, and the breathtaking lake dotted with boats and swimmers was showcased alongside the snow-covered mountain, depicting skiers and snowboarders, and the tennis courts with families in white tennis outfits pictured on the courts. There were also drawings of the charming rustic condos with vignettes of the luxurious amenities inside.
    Maggie walked in a side door, handed Lucas a red tie and helped him put it on. Emily watched her friend interact with Lucas. She hadn’t seen Maggie this happy since—well, never. Lucas seemed to dote on Maggie, as well.
    Emily peered over at Fiona and noticed her glancing at the happy couple from time to time, looking none too pleased. Was that jealously she saw in Fiona’s eyes? She wasn’t sure, but it was something unsettling.
    Emily took a seat on one of the back rows, saving a couple for Isabel and Alex. Camille had told her they might come, if Jonathan was back in town, but not to hold any seats for them.
    Then Maggie left through the side door she had entered from. She must not have noticed Emily in the audience.
    Sully Sullivan came in, shaking hands with everyone as he made his way to the front. Then he shook hands with Lucas and they spoke to each other, leaning in conspiratorially. What was that about?
    “Hey, Emily.”
    Emily jumped, startled out of her conjecturing.
    Camille greeted her, bending down to give her a hug. “Jonathan is stuck in Seattle, so I decided to come by myself. Are Isabel and Alex on their way?”
    “Yes, but here, let me move over a couple of seats and we can leave the two on the end for them.”
    “You’re a doll,” Camille said as she squeezed past Emily, taking the next chair over. “This is so exciting, isn’t it?”
    “What do you mean? The new resort?”
    “No, silly, Maggie and Lucas—I think she’s in love.”
    “Did she tell you that?”
    “Well, I don’t know if she wants me spreading it around, so keep this between you and me—and Isabel, of course—but Maggie thinks Lucas is going to pop the question pretty soon.” Camille grinned, digging around in her purse and pulling out a mirrored compact and a tube of lipstick. “I think she’s finally snagged the handsome rich husband she’s been dreaming about her whole life.”
    “Knowing what humble beginnings she came from…”
    “Dirt poor,” Camille added as she applied the color, snapping the compact shut. “Mayor Sully, too. I guess because he’s older than Maggie, he escaped that life first and has done pretty well for himself.”
    “Yes, he has.” Emily glanced around the room again, which was filling up fast, trying to catch a glimpse of her friends. She saw Alex first and waved them over. Isabel filed in and Alex took the seat on the aisle.
    “Did we miss anything?”

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