The Hunger of Sejanoz

The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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encampment is attacked during the night.
    You tie your horse to the rear of Princess Mitzu's carriage, and then you walk over to the spring and bathe your face and drink your fill of its crystal-clear waters. You are about to return to the encampment when Captain Chan and Sergeant Yeng approach you on horseback. Chan tells you that his scouts have reported sighting movement in the nearby woodland. He wishes to investigate it, but night is closing in and soon it will be dark. Aware that you possess the ability to see in the dark, he requests that you lead Sergeant Yeng and his party on this scouting mission.
    If you wish to agree to Captain Chan's request, turn to 157 .
    If you refuse to lead the scouts, turn to 264 .

    Your mastery of Kai herbcraft enables you to recognize this vile gas. It is Vozga, and it makes you cough and retch violently (lose 1 ENDURANCE point).
    As your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus begins to neutralize the toxins that have entered your lungs, you order Princess Mitzu to help her father to safety. You fear that the Vozga will swiftly be fatal to the aged Khea-khan if he should inhale its poisonous vapours. The brave Princess obeys your command. As she helps her father to reach the far end of the burial crypt, you run through the poisonous cloud and set off in determined pursuit of the tyrant and his young hostage.
    Turn to 6 .

    The Princess gasps aloud upon hearing you mention the name of the deadly poison. You ask her if Kamada is in the habit of chewing his playthings.
    ‘Sometimes,’ she replies. ‘But he's only had that toy for a day. He was given it as a present when we were in Rakholi.’
    ‘And who gave him this toy?’ you ask.
    ‘I did,’ says a voice from behind you.
    Turn to 196 .

    The branch strikes your legs as you are diving through the air, and you suffer serious lacerations to the backs of both thighs: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
    If you have survived this wounding, turn to 19 .

    You are in combat with an Imperial Guard Captain, an élite warrior of Autarch Sejanoz's personal bodyguard.
    Imperial Guard Captain: COMBAT SKILL  46    ENDURANCE  42
    If you win the combat, turn to 173 .

    The bandit tells you that his name is Xango. He also reveals that he is the brother of the renegade bandit Captain Kronar. He has been observing the caravan encampment while his brother, and the rest of his gang, have been preparing an ambush on the forest road, five miles distant. Kronar plans to attack the caravan when it passes this place tomorrow morning.
    ‘Treacherous dog!’ spits Yeng. ‘Death would be too good for you!’
    ‘Hold, sergeant!’ commands Captain Chan. ‘We may have use for this outlaw yet. Let's hope his brother values his worthless hide more than you do. Chain him up to a carriage wheel until morning.’
    To continue, turn to 129 .

    You form your mouth in readiness to utter the Old Kingdom power-word Gloar! and you project its concussive energy at the chest of the signalman. It strikes him squarely and lifts him off his feet. For a few moments he disappears from your sight, hidden by the floor of the platform; then you see him tumbling limply to the ground on the far side of the flag-tower.
    To continue, turn to 195 .

    Kumal is disappointed that you refuse to trade with him, and he walks off in a huff. Fearing you may have insulted the brother of your host, you decide to leave the tent and give Kumal time to cool down. Once outside, you check the caravan to make sure that everything is correct. The carriages and the horses are in good condition, and so you wander out of the encampment to explore this quarter of Rakholi.

    Opposite the entrance to Bazan's encampment, you see a card game taking place between rival families of Lissanian horse traders. When one of the players drops out, you are invited to take his place.
    If you wish to accept the invitation, turn to 234 .
    If you choose to decline the invitation, turn to 124 .

    You hurry along

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