The Hunger of Sejanoz

The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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the tunnel and reach a closed door at its far end. Without slowing your pace, you barge this portal open and find yourself confronted by five Bhanarian soldiers who have entered the chamber beyond by way of a hole in the roof. The black-suited warriors roar with rage and attack you and Sergeant Yeng with their razor-tipped polearms.
    Illustration IV —You are confronted by five Bhanarian soldiers armed with razor-tipped polearms.
    Bhanarian Assault Troops: COMBAT SKILL  47    ENDURANCE  42
    If you win this combat, turn to 125 .

    You let out a yelp of pain when you are struck by one of the onrushing missiles. It pierces your boot and lodges in the back of your left calf muscle. The sudden agonizing pain makes your ears ring and your vision blur: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
    Quickly you draw upon your Kai healing skills to deaden the pain and staunch the gushing flow of blood. You grit your teeth and reach down to snap the arrow in two. Then you tug the barbed head free from your aching leg and cast it to the ground.
    To continue, turn to 112 .

    By the use of the Brotherhood Spell Breathe Water you are able to stay alive until the ceiling begins to rise and you are released from this watery tomb.
    To continue, turn to 287 .

    You hear the whistle of a large projectile, and then a deafening explosion tears a hole in the battlements less than 10 yards away to your left. Splinters of stone pepper your legs, and a pear-sized chunk of shrapnel grazes your shoulder: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    To continue, turn to 24 .

    The dusty streets of Pensei are filled with the din of coarse shouting, the smells of sweat and spices, and the anxious murmurings of a populace living in fear of the Bhanarian invaders. Your heart goes out to the citizens of this proud city and you pray to Ishir to help them keep the enemy at bay. Upon arriving at the great north gate of Pensei, the column passes beneath its crenellated arch and out onto the plains road beyond. As the gate crashes shut behind you, you notice a stone marker by the wayside. It indicates the distance to the next town: Javai — 100 miles.
    Captain Chan calculates that it may take nearly three days to reach Javai. Fearful that the vanguard of the Autarch's army may find the caravan on the open road and threaten its precious cargo, he orders his troopers to take up positions around the column in order to shield it. You are impressed by the speed and efficiency with which they carry out his orders, and you feel greatly reassured that you are in the company of highly-trained warriors. They will be useful allies if the need should ever arise to repel an enemy attack.
    Once you are beyond the outskirts of Pensei, the villages pass by with less frequency the further you travel north along this broad trade road. At dusk, you stop to set up a night camp on a hill which overlooks a small hamlet called Xiostai. Captain Chan posts pickets to patrol the camp perimeter, and details some of the remaining men to guard the Khea-khan's carriage. You are invited to share a meal of rice and fish with Chan and some of the carriage drivers, and you accept their hospitality gladly. While you are eating you listen to their jovial conversations and learn something about the Chai people that you never knew before. The majority of them have a keen interest in astrology.
    If you possess Astrology, turn to 289 .
    If you do not possess mastery of this Discipline, turn to 166 .

    Chan joins you at the main gate. Missiles are hitting the battlements with increasing frequency and accuracy; it would be suicidal to stay there a moment longer.
    You are peering through an arrow slit in the main gate, when you suddenly see something that makes your blood run cold.
    Turn to 140 .

    ‘Of course, your majesty,’ you reply, sympathetically. Then you ask if she would kindly show you the palm of her right hand. She complies with your request and places her hand palm up on the marbled tabletop.
    Using your

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