The Hunger of Sejanoz

The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever

Book: The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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of the day passes uneventfully. It is early evening when the caravan arrives at Javai, a fortified Chai trading town positioned on the rim of a fertile plateau. Chan negotiates with the guards at the town's west gate and the caravan is allowed to enter. You pass along a bustling street, bordered by two-storey wooden dwellings, which leads to the walled chateau of Javai's mayoress, Madame Omaki. Here the caravan draws to a halt in the middle of a flagstoned courtyard, ringed by plum trees. A plump woman with gleaming coiffured hair emerges from the chateau and greets Captain Chan. You can tell by their jovial exchange that they are old friends. Chan swears her to secrecy about the presence of the Khea-khan, and she dutifully instructs her servants to secure all the entrances and exits to her estate.
    Illustration III —Javai's mayoress greets Captain Chan in the flagstoned courtyard.
    Chan posts his troopers to guard these portals, and as soon as it is dark, Xo-lin and his entourage are ushered inside Omaki's chateau. She attends efficiently to the allocation of rooms and the provision of refreshments for her royal guests. You are allocated a small room above the stables, and you retire there as soon as you are able. It comes as a pleasant surprise to discover that this room contains a comfortable bed and a bath. After bathing, a hot meal and a bottle of rice wine is delivered by one of the mayoress's servants. You are about to enjoy this meal when there is a knock at the door. It is Captain Chan, and he has some worrying news to convey.
    To continue, turn to 259 .

    You detect the faint outline of dusty footprints leading across the chamber to the opposite door. You are eager to follow them, but your Kai Sixth Sense is making you feel uncertain that it is safe to do so.
    You are fearful of setting off a floor trap, and so you draw upon your advanced mastery of Telegnosis to reduce your body weight to little more than a hundred grams. Then you set off across the chamber, taking care to tread only where there are footprints. You are within a few feet of the door when suddenly the entire floor falls away like a huge hinged trapdoor. You dive forwards and make a grab for the door handle. As you grasp its iron ring, you look down to see a yawning shaft filled with water at its base. Suddenly you hear the sound of giant stone cogs and the rattle of heavy chains. You glance upwards to see that the ceiling is beginning to descend. As it moves closer, you can tell that it is not stained with soot after all. It is dried blood, the blood of countless men who have unwittingly fallen victim to this devilish trap.

    You twist the iron handle and, to your relief, the door swings open. Desperately you haul yourself through and slam the door shut, barely seconds before the descending ceiling closes off this portal completely.
    To continue, turn to 209 .

    Soon the densely-packed trees confound your hulking pursuers and you are able to outdistance them. When you sense that it is safe to halt, you throw yourself down upon the cool earth and fight to catch your breath. Chan throws himself down close by, and you can tell that he is shocked and saddened by the ferocity of the encounter and the loss of his favourite stallion. But he proves himself to be resilient, and within the space of a few short minutes, he is back on his feet and ready to go.
    ‘Come, my lord,’ he says, resolutely. ‘We must press on. Let us flee this accursed place.’
    Turn to 121 .

    The caravan arrives at the ford shortly before dusk. You greet Captain Chan and inform him of the fight that took place here earlier. He is relieved to see that you and his scouts survived the deadly encounter intact.
    Chan orders that the carriages of the caravan be positioned so that they form the points of a large triangle, with the horse teams parked at their centre. You approve of his order, for it will make a good defensive formation, one that will be easy to maintain if the

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