The Infected

The Infected by Gregg Cocking

Book: The Infected by Gregg Cocking Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gregg Cocking
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fucking idiot” (Owen’s words) got tired of being cooped up and tried to do a runner and accidentally, or who knows, maybe on purpose, left the door open. This time they went straight for the skewer method and it worked again – the teenage boy who made it into the mall was dead within seconds. Owen told me how they had fastened skewers to broom and mop sticks to use as weapons, and then went straight for the head. I won’t go into all the graphic details, but they skewered him through the eye. It apparently made things a lot easier.
    Happily, for Owen and Johan and the people at Eastgate – and for me, and I suppose, ultimately, for the rest of the world, they don’t come back to life. They don’t reanimate. They don’t die over and over again. Once you ‘kill’ them, that’s that. I am seriously relieved to know that.
    Otherwise the Eastgate refugees are doing alright. Johan has already hooked up with a girl there and they are sneaking off into the disabled toilets every day (according to Owen). Since the infected managed to get in, Owen told me that they have stepped up their security and now have three people on guard at every entrance/exit point at a time, all linked with walkie-talkies (the beauty of being stranded in a shopping centre!) to a central “control point”. Seems like their little community is starting to take shape.
    I tell you, without my daily cell phone chats (still in the cupboard), I would be going mad! I wish I had more human contact… If there is anyone in the vicinity who would like to try and get to my place, you are more than welcome. I can offer shelter, safety, food. Shit, I’m starting to sound like Will Smith from I Am Legend. In fact, I think I am starting to feel like him too. But seriously, and I think that was the title of a Phil Collins album (another random musical fact, and don’t even ask why I know the titles to Phil Collins’ albums), if there is anyone out there who feels a bit like I do and needs company, get in touch. And if you are female, blonde, between 18 and 30 and have the body of a swimwear model, I will personally come and escort you back to my place. (Lily will know that I am just joking)
    Take care
    Sam W
    8:40pm, May 18
    Just popped in to check if that 18-30 year old blonde has responded. And you’ll never guess… nothing.
    Good night all. While you are saying your prayers tonight, please include one for my Lil.
    1:58pm, May 20
    I grossly miscalculated my need for food... I have a packet of Mini Cheddars, one Coke Zero, two viennas, some mayonnaise, a breakfast bar, a tin of sweetcorn, half a bottle vinegar, three ice cream cones and some olive oil which I am definitely not going to eat. Shit, shit, shit… I guess I’ve been bored, and when you are bored, eating gives you something to do. I’ve also been so focussed on Lily the last few days that I haven’t even noticed my dwindling food supplies. What an idiot! You know what this means, don’t you? I’m going to have to go out. Out there. With them.
    Got to think. I’ll be back…
    4:11pm, May 20
    Okay, tonight I’ll have the Mini Cheddars, a vienna with mayo and two ice cream cones for supper, then in the morning I’ll have the last ice cream cone, the other vienna with mayo, the breakfast bar, and if I can stomach it, the sweetcorn. I hate sweetcorn.
    Then, I’ll go out in search of food.
    I’ll try my next door neighbour first – that idiot Steve. They’re away on holiday and their balcony connects to mine so I will be able to scope out any activity from my side before I venture over there. I’m not expecting much as the dude was an alcoholic and ate out most nights, but his kid stayed there with him, and although kids just out of school don’t have much of a balanced diet to speak of (three words come to mind coming from me – Pot. Kettle. Black.), I just hope that there is some eatable food.
    After Steve’s place, I’m

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