The Infected

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Book: The Infected by Gregg Cocking Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gregg Cocking
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gonna have to leave the safety that elevation affords me and go downstairs. To their level. The unit below mine is empty, so no use going there, and then below Steve’s place is the Myburg’s unit. And I’m not going in there again. So that means I’ve gotta head to the right (if you are looking out my window onto Erasmus Road). That means going closer to the gate, which means closer to access for the infected. But fine, I can do that. The numbering is funny in this complex. I am 18, next door is 19, below is 20 and their next door is 21. All good there. But then it skips to 26, 27 and 28 on the ground floor of the units to the right and 30, 31, 32 above them. After Steve the arsehole’s place I’ll try 30, 31 and 32. If I don’t get enough there I’ll risk the bottom floors. I say risk, because although I’ll enter their ‘back’ door which I’m sure leads into the kitchen, the lounge and patio of those units face onto the gate and guard unit of the complex. If they are standing by the gate, and if there are no curtains in the rooms, then the infected might be able to see me. So it is a risk.
    But I’ve been going over the figures of when and where the infected are active, and it seems that early morning and mid-afternoon are the best times to go. Maybe it’s too cold in the morning for them now that summer is gone? Or too hot under the midday sun at 12pm? I haven’t done enough surveillance at night so I don’t want to risk that. And also because it will be fucking scary and I’m a big girl. So I think I’ll try midday – they also seem slower at the hottest part of the day, so any head start or slight advantage that I can give myself, I am definitely going to take.
    I just can’t believe that I let it get to this. If… no… when I make it back, I’m going to have to ration myself better, makes meal lists and stick to them.
    Take care
    Sam W
    11:34am, May 21
    For a laugh I dialled the Mr. Delivery number to see if I could get out of venturing past my front door. Like all the other numbers I have tried though, no luck.
    So, I am preparing myself. I have, how’s this, got my nail gun from my long forgotten guitar refinishing project which I am going to take with my as a weapon. I mean, if you need to pierce their skull and screw up their brain, then what better weapon than a nail gun? It is pretty quiet, and set to its quickest, most powerful setting, I am sure that it will be able to do some substantial damage. I’ve also got plenty of ‘ammo’ to take along. But I’m not just relying on the nail gun, I’ve also got like a butcher’s knife thingy… you know those ‘blocks’ of knives that you get? The ones you usually buy moms for Mother’s Day? Well I’m taking the biggest, strongest two knives from there too.
    Shit. Less than twenty minutes until I leave my townhouse for the first time in two weeks. Wish me luck.
    6:09pm, May 21
    Sorry to disappoint you all, but I am still alive. And I have eaten so much that I actually feel sick. So what happened you may not be asking yourself? I’ll tell you anyways.
    So just after 12pm, and after I had surveyed my surroundings very thoroughly, I quietly moved back all the furniture from my front door. I stood there for a while, key in hand, not praying, not rethinking, just... just... I don’t know. I just stood there.
    Eventually I put the key in the key hole, turned it quietly (I had already sprayed it with a ton of my trusty Q20), and opened the door. I slipped out, ducked down and locked the door. I moved the metre or so on all fours to Steve’s front door and removed my backpack. I took out my screwdriver set, checked his door handle quick, and reached for the largest flat screwdriver. I had contemplated going over the balcony and in that way, but two things made me go for the front door. Firstly, I had peeked over the balcony and seen that the two windows were closed – I was secretly hoping that

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