The Knight and the Dove
    He recalled the other times he had seen her: in the war room, on the road, briefly here in the great room, and then up in a bedchamber. The first three times she had been covered with dirt, her dress a rag, but why when he’d seen her upstairs hadn’t he recognized her loveliness?
    His eyes now took in skin that looked like fresh cream, lips full and red, and eyes so enormous and green that they seemed to swallow her face . Added to all of this was the most glorious mass of hair he had ever seen. Suddenly it didn’t make a bit of difference that it was red. In fact, he rather liked it. Maybe this woman had been to court after all.
    It’s wonderful when a husband and wife find each other attractive.
    Aunt Louisa’s words came back to him, and he could testify at the moment that at least part of that statement was true—he found Megan very attractive. But one look also told him that she did not share thesentiment. The eyes regarding him were trying to disguise their fear, but Bracken was not fooled. He knew it was time for business.
    “Please, sit down.”
    Megan complied and watched as Bracken sat across from her. He was a large man, probably taller than her father and definitely broader. She had never seen anyone with such dark skin and so much dark hair. It covered his head in tight curls and even curled down the back of his neck. His forearms were covered and so was the vee of skin at the top of his tunic. The dark color of his full beard made his teeth look very white.
    “How is it that you are here ahead of schedule, Megan?”
    “My father is away, and my mother sent me. I don’t believe she knew of the date.”
    “Your father was going to accompany you?”
    “Yes.” Megan was thankful that he didn’t seem ready to question her mother’s actions. She would have been ashamed to explain her mother’s ruthlessness.
    “And you lived in the keep?”
    “Yes. I arrived Monday, and as no one expected me, I stayed on.”
    “As a servant?” Bracken’s voice was harsh, but he was not angry with her, just concerned.
    “Yes.” Megan’s chin went in the air. “I saw no other way. The road home was long, and I’d already watched my men die under attack. I am not afraid of hard work and staying seemed most rational.”
    “Arik tells me you slept at the smithy’s.”
    Megan’s eyes flew to that giant who was standing against one wall across the room. He was looking back at her, and Megan couldn’t suppress a shudder. He was so huge and silent.
    “There is no reason to fear him. ’Tis true that he’s a huge man, nearly seven feet tall, but he would die protecting you.” Bracken’s voice was soft now, and Megan’s eyes went back to his.
    “He can talk?”
    Bracken smiled. “Yes, but he chooses to do so very rarely.”
    Megan nodded.
    “Because you are early, Megan, there is no attendant here for you.”
    “I thought your aunt lived with you.” Megan’s eyes had grown even larger.
    “Most often she does. She was coming early next week to stay until we are wed, but right now she is in London. I have sent a man for her. She will arrive sometime tomorrow.”
    “Oh.” Megan looked flustered, and Bracken went on smoothly.
    “It is certainly not ideal that you stay here tonight without my aunt in attendance, but as you slept unaccompanied in my keep for five nights, one more will hardly make a difference. And,” Bracken added dryly, “we are scheduled to wed.”
    “Oh,” Megan said again.
    The single word caught Bracken’s attention. His dark eyes studied her. “What did that mean?” he asked softly.
    Megan swallowed. “Only that I wasn’t sure if we still would.”
    Bracken did not want to tell her that he’d had the same doubts, and replied only, “I can’t see that we have much choice.”
    Megan nodded and fell silent. Her father’s intent was that she would know this man before they wed, but at this moment that seemed an impossibility. There was something too powerful and dark

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