The Knight and the Dove
thinking Megan might walk in her sleep on a rare occasion, but evidently she had done it every night she’d been at Hawkings Crest.
    “How did you stop her?”
    “I didn’t. I blocked her path.”
    “You never woke her?”
    Arik’s head moved in denial.
    Megan chose that moment to come downstairs, and Bracken moved off after just a few words of instruction to Arik. He met Megan at the bottom of the stairs and noticed immediately that she looked rested but slightly wary.
    “Good morning to you, Megan. Come, break the fast with me.”
    Megan allowed herself to be led to the head table and took a seat at the top of the long bench. Bracken took the large wooden chair that sat at the head of the table and studied Megan for a few silent moments.
    “How did you sleep?”
    Megan blushed, her eyes on her hands. “I never remember anything if I walk in my sleep, so until you woke me, I knew nothing.”
    “And when you returned to your chambers?”
    She now looked at him. “I slept again right away.”
    Food was placed before them. For some time they ate in silence. Megan found the fare very appetizing and ate her fill. Bracken was done ahead of her, however, and while she finished, he told her he was working on a change in plans.
    “When my Aunt Louisa lives with me, she always occupies the apartments in the tower. I had originally planned for you to live with her. With the long, narrow stairs, that is out of the question. I will have to make other arrangements.”
    “Do you mean to suggest that you will send me home?” Megan’s voice was so hopeful that Bracken had to hide a smile.
    “I believe your father wished for us to become better acquainted.”
    Megan shrugged. “I thought that since we’ve at least met, it might suffice to see one another a few times before we wed. Would that not serve the same purpose?”
    They both knew it would not, but Bracken was amazed over the emotions her words evoked. For a man who would have gladly refused the king’s orders, he was certainly working hard to think of ways to keep Megan with him. His pride, however, would not let him admit this to her.
    “I’m sorry you do not wish to remain here, Megan, but if you recall, it was not my idea but your father’s and the king’s.”
    Megan blushed to the roots of her hair. He must not want this marriage any more than she did. She had no words. She had been adjusting to new situations all of her life, but this was by far the most difficult.
    She did not want to be married yet, and having to live with this man who would soon be her husband was the most awkward experience thus far. Every time he looked at her or touched her in any way, Megan felt utterly defenseless. It was not something she enjoyed. For the most part, Megan was used to being in charge of her own wants. Now she had to answer to this man. He did not strike her as being cruel, but she could tell that he liked to have his own way as often as she did herself.
    Megan had not come down early that morning. She had been praying—confessing, actually. She had grown angry many times the day before and had not confessed each occurrence to God on the spot. Her sins hung over her when she had wakened, and she knew she could not start the day with such a heart.
    Bracken and Megan were still sitting silently in one another’s company when Lyndon joined them. He didn’t sit until Bracken gave him leave, but when he did it was on the end of the other bench, directly opposite Megan.
    “Megan, this is Lyndon, a loyal knight of Hawkings Crest. Lyndon, this is my intended, Lady Megan of Stone Lake.”
    “Hello, Sir Lyndon.”
    “Hello, my lady. May I say that you grace our hall with your beauty.”
    Megan smiled at the handsome, blond knight, her first real smile, and Bracken stared at her until Lyndon spoke.
    “I’m sorry to disturb you, Bracken, but I think you should know of the gossip in the keep.”
    “All right.”
    “Lady Megan was not disturbed in any way while working

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