The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy)

The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns Page A

Book: The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Johns
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never quite completely adapted to city life.  Brady had been raised on a farm in Barnett, Missouri.  They grew corn on six hundred acres amidst the Mennonite communities.  He still to this day doesn’t care to eat corn, no matter how I fix it. When his dad died and left the farm to him he sold it to invest in Brady's .  But even though the business was a success, the neighborhood started going bad, and he regretted leaving behind his quiet rural life.”
    “It was when the gangs started moving in,” added Brady.  “The quaint little area where we lived above the restaurant just changed almost overnight.  Everything I had was tied up in the restaurant , so I really felt stuck there until Uncle Lenny died.  I had only met him once, so I was shocked that he left his estate to me.  This place was one of the few parcels of land out here that was privately owned.   We were so happy renting out the cabin to nice families on vacation.  Met a lot of nice people.  It was like a miracle coming here.”
    “I believe in miracles,” said Abigail.  “Cal thinks it was God that brought us all together here.  I agree with him.”
    “Maybe you're both right,” said Brady, “If it’s God working His will through all of this, then I feel like maybe somehow we will be blessed with his protection.  We're definitely all in the middle of something pretty awesome.  Something major is happening here.”
    Angel went to the door and whimpered that she had to go potty.  That was about the time the visitors decided they needed to go home.  They had called it home for the first time, and Abigail wondered how it would be if they stayed there forever.
    The angel Ashriel had called them a new Adam and Eve.  And Cal, the former demon Calumnius, had chosen to fight for humanity over an option of becoming an angel—his heartfelt dream.  Yet, he hadn't even hesitated to consider the thing he'd wanted so badly for eons of time.  He loved Abigail that much, as well as the humans he had once hated.  And he now loved God, too, with his whole heart—his beating human heart.  As many stories that had been written about kingdoms cast aside for love, this was a story truly greater than any of those.
    *   *   *

Chapter 4.  Christmas Plans
    Abigail wanted to do nothing but lay in bed.  This was one of the common symptoms at the early stages of pregnancy.  She wiped the sleep from her eyes while running to see who was knocking at the door.  Sandra, Jodie, and believe it or not, Ruthie, looking like a watermelon was bulging under her coat, had all ridden over on their bicycles.  The group had not brought any of their vehicles from Saint Louis, opting to drag cargo trailers behind their RV's rather than tow a vehicle.  But there were bicycles for all family members.
    “I feel so guilty,” said Abigail, opening the door, still looking rumpled from her nap. “I am wasting my life away in bed.  Come in, please, and help wake me up.  Even coffee doesn't help, of course that’s partly because I can't keep it down.”
    “This will pass,” assured Ruthie, “just wait until you get to the mood swings, the leg cramps, the cravings.  But it's all worth it and forgotten once you have that baby in your arms.”
    “You are just what I need right now, Ruthie,” she said sincerely.
    “We came to talk about Christmas,” said Sandra Edwards, Mike's wife, “and everything else we need to prepare for. Babies, world-wide nuclear war… typical girl talk.”
    “Christmas is something I thought I'd just skip this year,” said Abigail, “except for the religious part.  I planned to spend my Christmas Eve praying.  Now that kids are in the picture, I realize we need to do what we can to preserve normalcy for their sakes .”
    “We've pretty much decided to not give gifts except for the kids,” said Jodie Decker, “but then we realized this is your first Christmas with your new

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