The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy)

The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns Page B

Book: The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Johns
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husband.  That's too special to ignore.  So we thought about having a party.”
    “Maybe you're right,” said Abigail, “I do want to show him how much I love him.  He deserves something really special.”
    “We were thinking,” said Ruthie, “that the kids would open their gifts on Christmas morning under their own trees decorated with ornaments they made themselves.  But it would be nice, under the circumstances, for all of us to get together for Christmas Eve, unless you would rather be alone with Cal.  That would be understandable, so just tell us what you want.”
    “I like the idea,” she answered thoughtfully, “a little party.  And it would be really nice to all be together.  We should invite the McFarlands, too.  You won't believe my news about them.  They’re family.”
    Abigail explained that Uma was her estranged birth mother, and that they had had a wonderful reunion.  The women listened to the whole story, sharing looks of understanding.  All were women of faith and recognized the hand of God in the whole series of events.  Then the conversation eventually led to Christmas cookie recipes and shared family traditions.
    “Well we are relieved you are on board for a get-together,” said Jodie, “because our RV's are way too small for such a gathering—ten adults and four children.  By then it may be five.  We were hoping to have the party here.”
    “Of course,” agreed Abigail immediately, “I'd love that.  It's not that roomy here either , but we could manage.”
    “You don't feel a little invaded?” asked Sandra, “I mean, all of us inviting ourselves over to your house.  That's a lot to deal with considering your condition.  We'll do all the work though, promise .”
    “My condition has just gotten a lot better,” Abigail said smiling, “ but what might even be better would be to have it up at the McFarlands.  I'll bet they'd love it.  When we invite them to join us, I'll bet they offer their living room.  It was made for entertaining large groups, and they are pros at that sort of thing. ”
    “I'm hoping the baby comes ahead of time,” explained Ruthie, “but if she decides to be born on Christmas Eve, I might not be able to be there, and Nathan, too, of course.  He's my birthing coach.  But Stephen and Mickey would be able to join the party.”
    “What are you going to do about the hospital?” asked Abigail.  “I'm sure you had arrangements already made.  Are you going to go to Pinedale?  Surely not with what we know of what is to happen on Christmas day.  Will you use the medical facilities here?”
    “Oh, none of the above ,” answered Ruthie, smiling, “I've had all my children at home.  Of course my midwife was with me, and Sandra also, both times. I think we can manage though, considering I’ve done it a few times now.”
    “She is amazing, Abby,” said Sandra, “Ruthie gives birth in her bathtub filled with warm water. The RV doesn't have a tub, only a shower, so we brought a kiddie pool along .  I hope it doesn't flood all over the whole floor.”
    “My biggest concern is having enough hot water in the trailer,” she said with attempted humor.  “The tank only holds enough for one decent shower at a time, and we'll be carrying it by bucketfuls to the bedroom.  So Rayetta better hurry up or that water isn't going to feel so nice and comfortable when she hits it.”
    “So Nathan might be busy boiling water just like in the old movies,” laughed Sandra, “The doctor would always tell them to boil water, and I somehow suspected it was just to keep people busy and out of his hair.”
    “You know, I really don't want to miss the party,” said Ruthie, “and if my body is telling me right, she's not going to wait another nine days.  It's going to be much sooner.”
    “If you say so, I believe you,” said Abigail. “Just remember, there are medical professionals

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