idea, sir.” I say sincerely and watch the amusement in his eyes turn soft. He tilts his head to the side and regards me for several minutes. I am like a snake in a trance; I can’t peel my eyes away. F inally he smiles. “Well, do have an enjoyable evening, Miss Kostas.” “Thank you, sir.” “Please, call me, Khai.” A nd with one more smile he turns and disappears into the crowd. I realize my jaw has dropped open and I am staring in his direction. I shake my head and test the word on my tongue—Khai. It sends shivers through my blood. I walk over to Tiffany dazed and say my goodbyes. Benton offers to take me home and I sigh defeated and follow him out the door.
I haven’t asked a woman to call me Khai since Mehi and that was over a thousand years ago. What is this girl doing to me? First I come to her aid, which is ironic because there is no greater danger for her than I, then I offer her a job that puts her into my proximity each day, now I have made our odd interaction intimate by conceding my first name. I ’m not used to having all these conflicting…emotions. Actually, I haven’t felt an emotion other than anger since I woke up on that cold floor realizing what I had become. My feet work on their own volition and steer me right to her apartment. The place I have spent most nights pacing and watching. A deep growl works up through my throat when I see him place his hand on her back. She is oddly shifting from foot to foot in a nervous gesture. I walk closer. He i s telling her good night but I can sense he really wants to do more than kiss her. Rage burns my eyes as I read his thoughts. The impure visions he has of her naked and beneath him. Suddenly I want to drain him and rip his body to shreds. Then he leans in and she blocks his mouth just as it reaches her face. His body tenses and I can feel the irritation rolling off his skin. His thoughts now are a mixture of desire and anger. My own rage is so volatile that I can barely contain the urge to surge forward and slay him where he stands. But the thought of showing that side of myself to Adonia makes me cower. I never want her to feel afraid in my presence and I certainly never want her to know the monster that I really am. Mercifully a moment later she sa ys goodbye and disappears through the door. I listen as she climbs the four flights before shutting the door to her apartment. I wait to hear the lock engage but it never comes. Panicked I make me way around the building watching the cab drive away with the boy scowling from the back window. When I am sure no one is around I drift up the building and peer through her window. I can hear her scrubbing her hair in the shower so I ease the window open and slide inside. The lock is still disengaged so I saunter over and click the bottom then top locks. What was she thinking of leaving herself exposed in such a way? Irritation burns in my blood. I walk back to the window and before I can climb back through I hear her whisper my name. My head turns in her direction and I feel that pull again. It’s as though every particle in my body draws itself to her. I read her thoughts and am surprised to see me kissing her hungrily against the wall of her bedroom. It stirs deep desires within me and I begin to feel the urge to be inside her to fuck her hard until she screams my name again and again. I like the way it sounds coming from her lips. She says it like a prayer… Khai … The shower stops and I hear her step out wrapping a towel across her body and turning the knob. The next second I am closing the window and catch her fleeting image as I drift back to the ground. I watch her from the shadows as she gazes out the window. Her thoughts are of me. I watch as images of my face and hands play over and over in her mind. Never going beyond a kiss and a caress. She i s different, not like all the other women I have been around that think such vulgar things. She’s