The Law of Attraction
    “I helped them with some immigration stuff once. They're very thankful people. And I haven't really dated anyone in a while so I guess they're happy that my attractive ovaries might not go to waste.”
    “Why haven't you been dating?” he asked.
    “My opportunities are mostly for inner-office romances or one night hook-ups with strangers but neither one of those really appeals to me much. So, why have you been… um?”
    “Having casual sexual encounters with no emotional investment or commitment?”
    “I was just going to say not dating, but okay, if you prefer.”
    “It’s been a while since I’ve been interested enough to want to know more about a woman than whether she preferred to be on the top or the bottom.”
    “Oh. Well, I’m flattered, I guess, and for the record, I like both. It just depends on my mood.” He grinned and I saw his eyes start to heat up. Fatma came over and took our order. When she left Braden picked up where we left off.
    “I should warn you that I’m very out of practice with the dating thing and it might take me a little while to get back into that mindset. For example, although part of me
sitting here thinking, wow here’s this amazingly smart and sexy woman and I really want to get to know her better, there’s still that other part of me that’s thinking I want to take her back to my place and bang her until she can’t walk straight.”
    I felt a little lightheaded for a second but then I imagined a little Jess hovering over the table saying “Confidence, Gabrielle! It’s okay to
to be banged until you can’t walk straight, honey!” I wasn’t exactly sure why Jess was dressed like Yoda but I was just going to go with it.
    “Ah, well. They don’t really have to be mutually exclusive goals do they?” I started, and his grin slowly got bigger as his gaze got hotter. I was feeling very baby gazelle-like at the moment.
    “Not at all,” he said in a low sultry voice.
    “Not tonight! I mean, because, well you have to go somewhere tomorrow.” I swallowed.
    “Okay? So, you
want to hook up with me?” He looked confused.
Oh fuck!
I was totally messing this up! I didn’t want him to think that I didn’t
    “I’m not saying that I don’t
to have sex with you! Believe me! I do! In fact, I want to have hot sweaty monkey sex with you! Okay, maybe that was a bit too candid. I’m just saying that I want it to be different than if you just picked me up in a bar. I wouldn’t want you to just leave and thank me on the way out the door. I’m not expecting some kind of huge emotional connection right away. I just want it to be different than going to bed with my vibrator. Do you know what I mean?”
    “You have a vibrator?” he asked with a smile and I rolled my eyes. “I’m just kidding! I know what you mean, Gabrielle. Would it shock you if I told you that I felt that way too?”
    “You do?”
    “I’m sitting here on a date with you, aren’t I? I invited you over to my place to spend time with my friends. I invited you to my family’s fundraiser at my parents’ home. Obviously, I don’t view you in the same way as some person I hooked up with at a club last weekend and whose name I forgot. Or never knew. What I meant was that I’m trying to do this right but I’m distracted by how much I want you physically. That’s all.”
    “Oh. Oh!” I smiled. “Well, um, I feel that way too. You distract me a lot. ”
    “I kind of got that from the hot, sweaty, monkey sex comment.”
    “Oh Jesus. I really said that, didn’t I?” I felt my face getting hot.
    “Don’t be embarrassed! Weirdly enough, I think that may have been the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me. And believe me, I would be happy to oblige, but I understand what you’re saying about tonight. And I’d like to be able to take my time and not be worried about having to be somewhere. Don’t worry, I’m a big boy and I can wait a while. Not a
while. I have

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