The Makeover Mission

The Makeover Mission by Mary Buckham

Book: The Makeover Mission by Mary Buckham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Buckham
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dominance and power
on his. Like a lamb to slaughter, he could manipulate her total dependence on
him, her vulnerability without him, until she wouldn't know the difference
between her abductor and her angel.
    But he would.
    Maybe that few minutes was meant as a sign—a warning that for some
reason this woman tugged at emotions he'd thought locked and buried away, at
least as long as a mission was involved. And now that he knew, knew to tread
lightly, he could save them both pain.
    The mission came first and, as long as Jane was a key component of
the mission, any feelings he might experience around her had either to be kept
strictly under control or downright ignored. Not easy, he accepted, crossing
into the room he was to occupy during the duration of this stay in Dubruchek.
Not easy at all when this librarian from Sioux Falls slipped through his best
defenses against personal involvement—with anyone.
    But he'd handled difficult, if not impossible, tasks before. He
could, and would handle this one. Both of their lives, as well as the lives of
his team members depended on it.

Chapter 4
    « ^ »
    I n spite of a night spent tossing and
turning, Jane did find herself feeling more refreshed in the morning. She
thought she could get used to sleeping between Irish linen sheets every night.
But even as the thought materialized it was followed quickly by reality. The
reality that this was going to be her first full day of playing Elena Rostov.
Or at least trying to.
    "Is Major McConneghy awake?" she asked, already guessing
the answer. He didn't strike her as the kind of man who would lag around in
    "The major wakes with the sun." Ekaterina walked back
and forth between the main bedroom and the walk-in closet, her hands busy with
dresses, accessories and shoes. "He swims each morning in the pool behind
the villa."
    No wonder the man looked like he had abs of steel beneath khaki,
she thought. Not that she'd noticed. Much.
    "And do you know where he is now?"
    "He waits for you in the breakfast room."
    "What?" That was the last thing she wanted. Setting
aside her coffee and hopping from the bed she raced toward the bathroom and a
shower. It was worse than being late for the weekly staff meeting and she
hadn't done that once in her four years of employment. What must the man think?
That she was a sluggard, a lazy-bones, avoiding her duty—or at least what he
saw as her duty.
    It might not have been an issue, as she normally didn't take much
time to get ready in the morning anyway, but heading to a job as a librarian
hadn't meant much in the way of makeup, finishing her hair and accessorizing
her wardrobe. Being Elena might be harder than she had first thought. On the
other hand, maybe Elena, being a real princess, was allowed to lie around and
do nothing. Oh, why hadn't she read the National Enquirer more closely?
    Sure Major McConneghy would be pounding on the door any minute,
Jane tugged on the outfit Ekaterina had laid out for her. It looked like a
jogging suit made of washed silk. Maybe that's what well dressed queens-to-be
wore to eat breakfast. No one in their right mind would exercise in such a
suit. At least not exercise and sweat.
    Remembering all too well the major's last command to her the night
before, she called for Ekaterina to accompany her and all but ran to the dining
    Skidding around the last corner and coming to a full halt outside
a room bright with early-morning sunshine she wondered why the room left little
impression on her. Not with the major
sitting there. He should have looked out of place amidst its cheeriness, he of
the pressed chino pants and casual shirt, every crease in place. But of course,
he didn't. He sat there, an elegant china cup raised partway to his lips, his
dark brows arched in a V, his eyes as still as an Arctic lake.
    "I'm sorry I'm late," she exhaled, sure she could
explain, though it looked as if it might be an uphill job, considering the
man's impenetrable expression.

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