The Marriage Bargain
loyalty were over.
    J ulian entered the Bellagio’s main lobby and approached the front desk, fiddling with the jewelry box in his pocket. He hoped she liked it. He probably should’ve gotten her opinion on the rings but there wasn’t time, and he was old-fashioned about that sort of thing. It was his gift to her, not her gift to herself through him. But most women, he’d come to learn, weren’t overly picky as long as the rock was big.
    “Is there a package for me?” he asked the concierge.
    The lady’s polite smile offered confirmation before she answered. “Yes sir, a messenger dropped it off moments ago.” She stepped back and moved toward the cubicles behind her.
    At the other end of the counter a stunning—artificial, but stunning—young woman was in the midst of an altercation with the clerk. Her blonde hair had been perfectly coiffed. Her dress was nice but gave the appearance of being more expensive than it really was. Her shapely body was too perfect. She’d spent a lot of money to look the way she did. Definitely not Julian’s type.
    A girl like her would be too high maintenance. Not that he couldn’t afford it, but he didn’t want a woman who was so centered on vanity that nothing else mattered. No, this girl was more Andre’s type. Little brother loved sporting a trophy on his arm.
    “Look, I know she’s here,” the Barbie doll said. “She said she was coming to this hotel specifically.”
    “I’m sorry, Miss...” The clerk waited for her name.
    “Ms. Gordon. It’s Ms. Gordon.” An irritated tone edged her voice . “And I know my friend Camille Chandler is here, in this hotel. Somewhere.”
    What ? She’s looking for Camille. But why ?
    The concierge handed Julian a large manila envelope. He took it and closed the gap between himself and the girl. “Excuse me, Miss...”
    She gave him one look, smirked and raised a defying hand. “Are you hotel security? I’m not going anywhere. I know my friend is in this hotel, somewhere.”
    “I can assure you that I’m not hotel security.” Julian laughed inside. Of course she was a friend of Camille’s. Neither of them took shit from anybody. “But I do know where Camille Chandler is.”
    “You do?” she said, almost grateful.
    “I’ll just call her,” he said, going for his cell phone.
    “I already tried to call her.” She inclined her head in defeat. “She’s not answering her phone.”
    Julian hit the speed dial. “One second.” He waited for Soren to answer the call.
    “Soren.” The valet answered immediately.
    Julian thought about asking for Mrs. de Laurent but thought better of it. It was probably best to let Camille tell the girl, whoever she was, about their arrangement herself. “Is Camille close by? I need to talk to her.”
    Within seconds Camille said with a gentle softness, “What’s up?”
    Did Camille have any idea how sensuous her voice sounded?
    Julian discarded his wandering thoughts and focused on the girl before him. “There’s someone here who’d like to speak with you.”
    “Who?” Her voice was edgy and filled with conjecture.
    Julian’s gaze traveled up to meet the feisty girl’s. “Your name?”
    “My name?” Her eyes widened with an impatient glare. “Give me that damn phone.” She yanked Julian’s cell from his hand. “Camille?”
    O h shit . “Tasha. What are you doing with Julian?” Camille said quickly over her choking, pounding heart.
    Soren and Camille exited one of the Lobby Shops at the Bellagio.
    “What am I doing with Julian?” Tasha asked in a subtle, mocking tone. “The better question is...what are you doing with Julian?”
    “We’ll talk about that later.” Camille used a tone she knew Tasha would recognize as a discreet warning to keep her mouth shut. “Where are you?” She and Soren entered the lobby where she saw Julian and Tasha at the registration desk across the way. “Never mind. I see you.” She disconnected the call and handed the phone to

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