The 'N' Word, Book 1

The 'N' Word, Book 1 by Tiana Laveen

Book: The 'N' Word, Book 1 by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
Tags: Fiction
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mouth… so weak, so dramatic. I got something I can stuff in there, you crooked, lying bitch…
    “You son of a bitch!” She started to walk away, her sling back high heels clicking against the hard, glossy white floor. “I’m not fired, I quit! Guard!” she called out, looking over her shoulder a time or two.
    Aaron slowly rose to his feet while the door unlocked then swung open. On the other side of the damn thing stood Bill, a pathetic smirk stamped across his broad face as the woman flew past him like seconds on a clock. He chuckled as she rounded the bend, almost losing her footing along the way. Aaron sighed as the man grabbed hold of his wrists, securing them once again with the steel prison bracelets that now left slight reddened indentations in his flesh.
    Shoulder to shoulder, the men made their way through the halls, then Bill suddenly made a sharp right, missing his cell block altogether.
    “Hey, what’s going on?” Aaron questioned. “I’m supposed to go back to my cell now.” Had the obtuse, silly son of a bitch forgotten his way?
    “Nope, not today.” The man’s disconcerting smirk grew a bit bigger, lifting at the right end of his crooked mouth as if he harbored some seedy, little secret.
    Fucker has a real weak chin. I could knock him out cold right now with a mean ass head butt…
    His chest tightened as he walked on. He was being carted towards the administrative wing and that was no damn place to be. That zone meant one thing and one thing only.
    Big. Fucking. Trouble.
    The only man in that goddamn place who didn’t bat an eye at him was Warden Huckleberry and he had no doubt that that was exactly where he was going—like a sacrificial lamb off to slaughter. He and Huckleberry had a long history of pissing games and veiled and clear threats. They spent their time going in circles in dizzying conversations that reminded him of carnival Ferris wheels… going around and around but getting no-goddamn-where at all.
    “What does he want?” Aaron asked, not in the mood to argue with Huckleberry for old times’ sake.
    “I don’t know.” The man’s voice cracked, his lie watered down and drowning in its own feeble, lackluster juices.
    “You do know you bread-box-built son of a bitch.” He sucked his teeth real hard as he eyeballed him and contemplated that head butt once more. “What the fuck is goin’ on?” He snatched himself away from the guard, causing the man’s eyes to buck as if his short neck were being squeezed. “You got some shit to prove, to show these fuckers you’re no wuss, tryna save face, right? I’ll bust every bone in your body wide open, now TELL me!”
    “I don’t know!” The man gulped and stared at him, his eyes moist with a wave of freshly flung fear.
    “You fucking sicken me, you know that? Goddamn turd with a badge… they hire any fuckin’ body now.” Aaron began to walk again, deciding to cut the weakling a break. After all, it really didn’t matter what was in store for him; knowing in advance wouldn’t shake the apple tree any sooner or make the inevitable less applicable. On a deep breath, he waited in front of the warden’s door until the damn thing creaked open, exposing the tall, wide giant with dark sunglasses atop his shiny, baldhead.
    “Hello, Mr. Pike.” Huckleberry grinned ever so slightly. “Please.” He pointed to a chair in front of his antiquated desk. “Have a damn seat. We have some important matters to discuss…”

    “ Y OU GOT ME fucked up!” Trudy blurted as they rounded the glistening green pond, its surface rippling with the movement of tiny coral fish.
    “Shhhh!” Mia smiled, her face undoubtedly reddening. “You’re too loud!” Her arms swung back and fourth as they power walked their asses off, getting in a good workout before the sun set and left them in the pitch black that only the deepest thicket of the country forest could provide.
    “Shhh, nothin’! I can’t believe it’s been over five months

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