The 'N' Word, Book 1

The 'N' Word, Book 1 by Tiana Laveen Page B

Book: The 'N' Word, Book 1 by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
Tags: Fiction
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slowly rippling water once more. Peace swarmed around her, kissed her gently on the cheek, and promised her good times. “I appreciate you and Mama worrying about me. I do. That means you love me.”
    Trudy nodded in agreement as she crossed her arms over her chest and held her chin high, ready to no doubt engage in argumentative battle.
    “But just know that I watch what I do and say around there, okay? I don’t do anything to mislead any of the men, I know some of them are lonely, and yes, some are chancy, so I’m careful.”
    “I’m glad you brought that up right there!” Trudy pointed at her, her gesture accusing. “I’m not only your cousin; we grew up together like sisters, we’re best friends, and I have to look out for you, Mia. You are too damn trusting! Too kind hearted… I’ve seen some of those men on the news…”
    “Here we go with this again! Look, Trudy, just because I treat people in a kind, respectable way doesn’t mean I’m a damn pushover. I do that so I can build trust, and people then listen to me. That’s why I’m good at what I do with my students. Screamin’ and yellin’ and carryin’ on builds nothing but resentment. That’s not me. Now, if someone pushes me, causes me to not want to deal with them, that’s a different story, and you of all people should know that.” Trudy’s lips parted to say something else, to add a ‘one more gin’ to the mix—but she thought better of it as she turned away, seemingly needing a moment or two to prepare her rebuttal.
    “Okay, I can agree with that, but let’s talk about attraction.”
    “Attraction? That has nothing to do with this.”
    “It has everything to do with it! Some of them are real good lookin’, but they are nothing but trouble, a damn convict. You’re a nice looking lady, Mia, almost prettier than me.”
    They both burst out laughing.
    “You look like Paula Patton, only about three shades darker and I know those horny ass bastards daydream about getting their filthy claws on you every chance they get. You just make sure you watch yourself in there. Be careful.”
    “Trudy, don’t start up again! I am watching my back, being judicious.”
    “Being judicious ain’t got nothin’ to do with you minding your own business… and then one of those big bears with a rap sheet longer than Arsenio Hall’s fingers deciding he may as well sexually assault you since he got a life sentence any ol’ damn way! You’re beautiful, soft-spoken, helpful, and look like you couldn’t hurt a damn fly.”
    “I’m not helpless, I’m not weak and I’m not stupid!” Mia snapped, growing quite tired of Trudy’s declarations. Had she forgotten the countless fights she’d had in high school due to an awful temper? Had Trudy somehow developed amnesia? The woman had to cool her jets, simmer down as she grew older if she wished to be successful in life.
    “I never said you were weak, helpless or stupid! I’m just sayin—”
    “I’m thirty-two years old! I can’t act like I did when I was eighteen… flyin’ off the handle, getting crazy because someone looked at me wrong. I spent so much time in the principal’s office, it was tragic—and also a miracle that I wasn’t expelled. My father made sure of that because I deserved more chances. I’ve grown up, Trudy. There is a time and place to show your ass, but I am a professional now… an adult. People depend on me.”
    “You need to—”
    “Trudy, be quiet!”
    “Let me finish! Some of those men ain’t had no pussy in decades, decades , Mia! I’ve dated an ex-con before; I know how they are when it comes to gettin’ some sex after a long drought.”
    “And I need to know this, because…?”
    “Just listen and stop bein’ so damn defensive.” She ceased walking once again, forcing Mia to do the same. “You remember Jeremy?”
    “Yeah, I remember him.” She sucked her teeth, not at all pleased with the downward spiral the conversation was taking. Trudy never let

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