The One For Me

The One For Me by Layla James Page A

Book: The One For Me by Layla James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layla James
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loss,” I say, and take another drink of my Coke. Liam is staring at me and the hurt that was in his eyes disappear. He smirks and shuts the fridge. He walks out of the kitchen toward a set of stairs.
    He turns around, cocking an eyebrow. “You coming?”
    “Where?” I ask, even though I know where he is going.
    “My room. Is that a problem?”
    I freeze and my stomach flips. “I--,”
    Liam sighs and rolls his eyes. “I’m not going to rape you, scouts honor.” He holds up two fingers to his forehead. “Come on, girlfriend.” He starts up the stairs and I wait until he has disappeared from my view to take a breath. It comes out heavy and ragged . It’s not that I think Liam will try anything with me; it’s just that he makes me…nervous.
    I walk up the stairs, and try to focus on my steps rather than being alone in his room with him. Get a grip, Katy. It’s just Liam. It’s just your…boyfriend…fake boyfriend . When I turn the corner Liam jumps out and I scream. When I realize it’s him I stop and narrow my eyes in irritation. Really?
    He is still laughing when I push him. “What were you doing down there, making sure your breath smells alright? Fixing your hair in the mirror?”
    I straighten my shoulders and tilt my head to the side. “No. I was just admiring your house,” I lie.
    “Whatever,” he whispers and rolls his eyes. “Come this way. I want to make you birth my children. You have great child birthing hips.”
    I roll my eyes and follow him down the long hallway. I can imagine a little Liam standing at the end, watching the empty hall after his mother left. What would a child think? My mom has disappeared without me? How would a kid deal with that?
    “You coming in or what?” Liam asks, waving his hand in front of my face. I gaze back at him and nod. His room is...not what I expected.
    First off, it’s clean. Secondly, there are no naked pictures of girls on the walls. Thirdly, it’s clean.
    “Pick up your jaw, Melinda cleans it for me.” He kicks off his shoes. “If it were up to me, I would have clothes everywhere, like you. Well, I wouldn’t have the opened books but I would have the clothes.” He plops down on his bed and turns on his TV. He looks up at me. “You can sit down, I was just joking about the birthing hips.” He eyes my hips. “You are actually a little on the skinny side.”
    I i gnore his comment. “Your parent s won’t be home soon?” I ask, sitting on the edge of his bed. It’s soft. I’m pretty sure his comforter probably cost more than my entire room, with everything in it. I’ve never wanted to sink into material before.
    He shrugs and leans back against his pillow. “Don’t know. They come and go as they please. Their never home, really. They are adults, ya know.”
    I pick at a piece of fringe on my jeans. “They don’t tell you where their going or anything? They just leave? ”
    He sighs. I know I’m asking a lot of questions, but sometimes, ya just gotta ask. “I don’t know, I don’t ask and I don’t care. Why are you so worried about wh en they are coming home, anyway ? It’s not like we’re really doing anything, even though that can be arranged. ” He wiggles his eyebrows.
    Because, I feel sad for you . I shrug. “Just asking, Liam. ” Liam rolls over onto his back. “So, what do you do for fun?”
    Liam props himself up on his elbow. “You ever play tennis?”
    “I have before, why?”
    Liam stands up. “Well, that’s what I do. We’re gonna play tennis, come on.” Liam gets up, grabs my arm and pulls me downstairs.
    “Are we going up town to the courts?”
    Liam opens the back door for me. I stop in my tracks. What.  The. Hell . “No, we have our own.” My jaw is open.
    “Wowza,” I say.
    Liam shrugs and motions for me to follow him. “My dad built it for me when I was young. I guess it was his way of buying me love. Just like the pool,” he says, tossing his head toward the pool to the left. Jeez. The backyard

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