The One For Me

The One For Me by Layla James Page B

Book: The One For Me by Layla James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layla James
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is huge. Liam opens the door to a small building and brings two tennis rackets out, with a packet of tennis balls. “Ready to get schooled?” he asks.
    I grab a tennis racket. “I’d like to see you try.”
    “Gotta warn ya hot stuff, I’m pretty good,” Liam shouts, while running to his side of the net.
    He isn’t lying. He hands me my ass the entire time. We play six games, six of that I lost utterly. I want to crawl into the pool and hide forever. Sweat is dripping off my forehead. “Stop, can’t….breathe.”
    Liam smiles and run towards me, hopping over the net. He pats my back hard. “Oh, suck it up ya big baby. I warned you completely.”
    “Water,” I croak out. “Dying of thirst. Tell my mom I love her.”
    He laughs. “Get up, girlfriend.” He grabs my shoulder and pulls me back into the house. He hands me a glass of water from the fridge. I inhale it.
    “Oh, that’s the best water I’ve ever tasted.”
    Liam nods and finishes off his bottle. “It’s still early; you ready to go home yet?” I bite my lip. Not really. I look up at Liam. I try to tell myself I want to stay because he is alone, but I really just don’t want to leave at all.
    “Well, my dad could still be home,” I twirl my finger along the kitchen cabinet.
    “Okay,” Liam says. I can hear the smile in his voice. “You like Jackie Chan?”
    We spend the next two hours lying on his bed, watching Rush Hour. When I said I’d never seen it, he almost had a heart attack. They movie was about over when someone barged into Liam’s room. I jumped up. I’m not sure why, it wasn’t like we were actually doing anything other than watching TV. It’s just a natural reaction.
    “Can’t you knock?” Liam asks, sitting up on his elbows. I glance at the door where a tall, skinny, blonde haired woman stands.
    Her hands are on her slender hip; her long perfectly painted nails are tapping along her waist. “I don’t have to, it’s my house.”
    Ouch. Must be step-mom young enough to be older sister. More like last year she was a senior in high school young.
    “Well, this is my room, so get the hell out. I am busy.”
    She glances in my direction, her blue eyes narrows. I want to evaporate, but as much as I will it, it never happens. “And who must you be?”
    “My name is Katy,” I whisper. I avert my eyes. I hear you’re not supposed to look at mean people too long in the face. You’ll turn to stone.
    He cocks an eyebrow at me. “She is my girlfriend.”
    “ Very s urprising, I didn’t think you’d ever meet someone that would like you, ” she says, pushing her long blonde hair off her shoulder. “Your dad is going to be late tonight. He wanted me to tell you. You can order a pizza for dinner.” She smiles. It’s fake. Then walks out of the room. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
    She didn’t even officia l l y introduce herself to me. Not that I want to fake a ‘nice to meet you,’ because obviously it was anything but that. Although, it’s normally required for the parents to at least pretend they give a damn.
    “Ugh,” he says, slamming his head into the pillow. “She never cooks like Mom used to.”
    Something sad runs across his eyes before he closes them. She never cooks? How awful.   “Tell ya what. Get up.” I pat his knee.
    “Why?” he asks, and barely opens one eye.
    “To have a home-cooked meal, my mom always cooks.”
    Twenty minutes later , we’re at my house in the kitchen. The smell of food is heavy. I wonder when the last time Liam smelled a home cooked meal in his kitchen.
    “You’ve never had Oreo balls?” my mom asks, holding out a plate in front of Liam. “That’s blasphemy.”
    “It looks like dirt,” he says, smiling.
    “And taste like Heaven,” I say, sprinkling some pepper over the mashed potatoes. “You should try one. They’re great. ”
    Mom waves the plate in his face and smiles.
    He laughs. “Shouldn’t you be encouraging me to wait until

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