The Passion Price

The Passion Price by Miranda Lee

Book: The Passion Price by Miranda Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Lee
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on the waterfront somewhere. You must surely get a lunch break. Unfortunately, I have to be in court first thingMonday morning, or we could have made it a long weekend.’
    Angelina finally found her voice. ‘What is it you expect me to say to these extraordinarily presumptuous suggestions?’
    â€˜Right now? Nothing. I wouldn’t like to be accused of rushing you into anything, like last time. I’ll call you later this week. Or you can call me earlier than that, if you’d like. Here…’ He whipped out his wallet from his jeans and extracted two business cards. ‘You got a pen on you?’
    She did, in fact. She kept one in her skirt pocket. She fished it out and gave it to him. He flashed her a quick smile before bending to the task of adding some numbers to the first card before handing it over. ‘That first number is my private and unlisted number at home. The second is my cellphone. Now, write yours down for me on this…’ And he handed her a second card, along with the Biro.
    She stared down at the white card which said simply ‘Jake Winters, Lawyer’ in bold black letters, along with an office address and phone number in smaller lettering underneath.
    She turned it over and jotted down both her numbers, all the while thinking to herself, what was she doing?
    She wasn’t going to say yes to his invitation. How could she? OK, so she was tempted. She was only human. What woman wouldn’t respond to what Jake was making her feel at this moment? As if she was the most beautiful, most desirable girl he’d ever met.What had he said? That he wanted her to be his woman more than anything he’d wanted in a long time.
    The devil would be proud of him!
    Sixteen years ago, she’d fallen for such a line, hook, line and sinker. Well, she had , hadn’t she? But sixteen years had taught Angelina to recognise the signs of a dedicated womaniser. You didn’t have to have jumped into bed with that type to recognise their trappings. Jake had them all. The car. The clothes. And the charm.
    Angelina knew beyond a doubt that being Jake’s woman was only a temporary position, whereas her being Alex’s mother was forever. Allowing herself to be seduced a second time by Alex’s father was just not on.
    At the same time, she was curious to learn a little more about him, and his life. This was the man she was going to have to entrust her son to, possibly sooner than she’d anticipated. After all, once Dorothy moved up here and found out dear Angelina at the Ambrosia Estate was a single mum with a fifteen-year-old son who just happened to be the dead spit of Jake, the cat would be out of the bag. And as much as Jake might try to abdicate his responsibilities where Alex was concerned, Angelina knew that her stubborn son would not let him get away with that. No, Alex would force himself into Jake’s life whether Jake wanted it or not.
    â€˜I’m not promising anything,’ she remarked coolly as she handed back the card. ‘But you’re welcometo ring me. I might agree to have lunch with you. Alex wouldn’t mind my having lunch with an old friend.’
    â€˜I’m sure he won’t,’ Jake said as he tucked the card back into his wallet. ‘It’s hardly a grand passion between you two, is it?’
    â€˜You know nothing about my relationship with Alex.’
    â€˜I know enough,’ he stated with an arrogance which was as unsettling as it was wickedly attractive. Why, oh, why did she have to find him so exciting?
    Maybe she shouldn’t agree to lunch with him. Even lunch might be a worry, especially down at Darling Harbour, with its air of away-from-home glamour and glitz. Sydney could be a very seductive city. Angelina often found herself losing her head a bit when she was there and spending more money than she should. Especially on clothes. She had a wardrobe full of lovely things she rarely wore.
    She would

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