The PRETTY (EROM Curvy Romance #1)

The PRETTY (EROM Curvy Romance #1) by Darlene Jacobs Page A

Book: The PRETTY (EROM Curvy Romance #1) by Darlene Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Jacobs
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the one wish left? Is that correct?” Megan questions.

    “ Y es , I do,” Tuesday confirms.

    “ H ave you thought about using it to rid him once and for all out of your life, or perhaps for another fleshly desire?” Megan drills in hopes of discovering the real Tuesday.

    T uesday quickly responds ,“Yes, that is exactly what I’m thinking of using it for. I loved him more than myself at times, before the accident. I even wished myself dead to be with him. But that was the foolish and inexperienced girl inside me talking. I’ll admit that the sex now is even better than when he was alive. But I’m ready to say goodbye to him, and everything surrounding him.”

    M egan steps in closer , to let her in on a secret, “That is what they want you to do. It’s a trap. Once you say you want them gone and call upon your wish to make it happen, they will double in number. Your force will clone and so will his companions. Instead of three of them, you will have six to deal with.”

    C ompletely shocked , Tuesday’s mouth falls opens, “So every time he asked me if I wanted to use my wish to say goodbye to him, he knew it would be the beginning.”

    M egan nods in the affirmative .

    “ T hat son of a bitch ,” Tuesday says under her breath,

    “ I f you thought your troubles were many before,” Megan continues, “they would double. All of them would demand more and more of you, more than you would ever be able to keep up with. You’d become a vessel used simply for their pleasure. Your insides would eventually disintegrate, and there would be nothing left of you but a beaten soul. Once that happens, they take that as well.”

    “ O h my God , so what do I do?” Tuesday implores, “How do I rid myself of them? I can’t continue like this much longer. They’re taking over my life. They’ve even become violent. They’ve crossed over to black, and I refuse to go with them.”

    “ I s there someone else ?” Megan questions.

    T uesday takes a moment before she admits the truth, “Yes, there is someone that I want to be with who may want me too. He followed me to Franklin Forrest one evening and found us. They turned on him and almost killed him. I think I’ve convinced him that it never happened, but I don’t know for sure.”

    “ T here are no guarantees , mind you but some have cut their visits to almost zero by—“

    “ B y what ?” Tuesday jumps in, anxious to hear the answer.

    “ B y becoming celibate and refusing to allow the Force or any man to enter them. The Force must gain your permission before each interlude, and we know how strong their spells can be. But if you’re strong enough and refuse their urges and your own desires, they may grow weary trying or impatient, and move on.”

    T uesday asks a follow-up question , “I can do that. Is there anything else I can do?”

    “ O ne , not so pretty,” Megan offers.

    “ T ell me ,” Tuesday demands.

    A candle goes out .

    M egan is uncomfortable . But she just tells herself that it had nothing to do with a Force. She walks back over to the candle, strikes a match and relights it before she turns back to face Tuesday. She rolls up her left sleeve. There is a branding mark burned into her inside wrist the way a cattle prod is used to mark cattle. It looks like a circle within a circle, within a circle, within a circle.

    “ W hat did you do to yourself?” Tuesday demands as she inspects the marking.

    M egan rolls the sleeve back down, “It’s an amulet used by Druid Priests. It’s sacred to the Omnipresent worshipers of the 1400s. It wards off evil, as well as provides a protective shield against unwanted Forces. But, if you allow them in your bed, just once, it’s effects are null and void.”

    T uesday paces back and forth as her head fills with so many more questions than Megan could possibly answer.

    “ S o what should I use my wish on?” Tuesday asks, almost afraid to hear the answer.

    “ T hat is totally up to

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