The Promise
about someone’s philosophy or belief system than it does about jewelry."
                  Chief Parker continued to examine the piece, "It’s unusual enough that someone might have made it themselves in their basement. 
    The detail on it is flawless but my senses tell me this is a personally produced art piece, not a mass produced one."
                  Gallagher said, "If that’s the case, they may be back looking for it. I need some undercover officers watching the site."
                  Larsen was curious, "Does anyone here know what a crow symbolizes?"
                  The chief fancied himself as an expert on history and mythology. It was one of his greatest pleasures to give impromptu lessons on related subjects to his officers. This was one of those special opportunities he relished. 
    He came out from behind his desk and lit his pipe ignoring the “no smoking” rule. He leaned back into the front edge of the bureau and spoke slowly savoring every word,
                  "The legend of the crow goes back to Norse Mythology.  The god Odin had two of them, and they perched on each of his shoulders. 
    They flew out daily and came back and reporting to him. Their names were Hugin and Munin.
    Hugin stood for Thought and Munin represented Memory. They were a perfect team for this great god, as legend goes, anyway!"
                  The crow is referred to as the 'Einstein of the bird family,' It is by far the most intelligent of the predators and is very clever and social.
    Crows are family-oriented and they stick together. They are cunning and can be vicious even to larger animals. They are a special breed. The person wearing this locket probably knows this as well."
                  Chief Parker proudly relished his avian history lesson. His two underlings sat there waiting for some vague connection to the Taylor case. 
    But, they were to be disappointed.
    "I think this locket is probably not connected to Ms. Taylor’s disappearance, but, we’ll hold on to it for now.
    Gallagher, you owe Dr. Lowe an apology for your behavior towards him in public. I expect you to follow through on that immediately.
    Miss Larsen, good luck to you in your high school endeavors! I will expect you to do all your homework including your algebra!"
                  Elie grimaced, she hated math.
                  The detective had one more question. “By the way, Chief, what’s a group of crows called, a flock?”
                  Chief Parker soberly responded, “No. They’re called a murder, a murder of crows.”
                  Gallagher just stared at him.
    Chapter Eight-did She?
                  “Gallagher, there’s a young lady here to see you. She says she is a friend of Allison Taylor’s and she has some information for you.”
                  The detective looked up. “Send her in.” As he stood up, he is greeted by a blonde girl similar in age, height and looks to Allison Taylor.
    The two of them could have been sisters. “Mr. Gallagher, my name is Sara Wodehouse. I’m one of Allison’s best friends. I wanted to talk to somebody about her disappearance.”
                  “It’s nice to meet you, Sara. What can I do for you?”
                  “Well, uh, I don’t know how to say this, but I don’t think she was kidnapped.”
                  “Why do you believe that, Sara?”
                  “Because she was really mad at her dad and her boyfriend.”
                  Gallagher played dumb, “Who is her boyfriend?”
                  “His name is Justin Shaw.”
                  “Why was she angry at her

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