The Secrets of Ghosts
her head. ‘I won’t tell her, yet. I need to figure this out, first. Figure out what this means.’ She grabbed Katie’s hand. ‘Don’t tell anybody else.’
    ‘So, do I look for his watch? I feel like he’s asking for my help.’
    ‘No. Don’t do anything.’
    ‘It’s probably not him. It’s probably a curse or a hex or a rebalancing. This is not your power,’ Gwen said. ‘It can’t be.’
    Katie felt the disappointment. She was a victim again. Cursed. Or whatever. She was so careful, she trained hard, she’d read
Culpeper’s Herbal
The Modern Herbalist
and everything else Gwen told her to read. She took notes in an A4 binder and never tried any magic unsupervised. She followed every rule Gwen gave her and now, when something had finally happened, Gwen was telling her to ignore it.
    ‘Sit tight and don’t do anything. I’ll sort it out.’ Gwen pulled her in for a quick hug. ‘And if you see a magpie, put your fingers in your ears.’
    ‘Are you being serious?’ Katie’s disappointment was rapidly growing into irritation. Gwen was dismissing her. It was like talking to her mother all over again.
    ‘I’m completely serious. If this is a side effect of some kind, you’ve got to resist it.’
    ‘Fine,’ Katie said. ‘I’ve got to go to work. I’m late.’ She headed for the back door.
    ‘I think you should stay away from that place. Just until things settle down.’
    ‘It’s where I work,’ Katie said. She kissed Gwen’s cheek and headed for the back door. ‘Don’t worry. I won’t do anything stupid.’
    Katie crept along the upstairs passageway. She knew there weren’t any guests in the rooms and she’d checked the time sheet for housekeeping and they should’ve completed the rooms on this floor. She flipped all the lights on and headed straight for The Yellow Room. The yellow police tape had been removed as per Patrick’s instructions. Not letting herself hesitate, or think about what she was doing too much, she unlocked the door and slipped inside.
    The room had been thoroughly cleaned since the incident. Housekeeping had done a bang-up job and the room looked just as it had on the day before Oliver Cole checked in, although someone had obviously knocked the thermostat as the room was freezing. She checked the en suite, not really sure of what she was doing, what she expected to find. The toiletries had been replaced, the loo roll was folded to a point, and the sink sparkled. Katie caught sight of herself in the over-sink mirror and grimaced. Pale skin, dark circles around her eyes and cracked lips. A frightening sight.
    A sound from the bedroom made Katie’s heart rate kick up. The door had been pushed open and there were footsteps, muffled on the carpet. Katie looked around wildly. She picked up the only portable item that wasn’t a travel-size bottle of shampoo and edged to the doorway. A slice of the room was visible and she saw a male shape.
    ‘Argh!’ Katie sprang out of the bathroom, brandishing the toilet brush.
    ‘Jesus, Mary and Joseph!’ Max spun round.
    ‘What are you doing in here?’ Katie felt ridiculous, which made her furious.
    ‘What were you going to do with that?’ Max pointed at the brush. He stepped forward, frowning. ‘Is that a—?’
    Katie turned around smartly and stashed the toilet brush back in its rightful place. She washed her hands to give herself a moment to regroup, then ventured out to find Max on the floor, peering underneath the bed.
    ‘What are you doing?’
    He shuffled backwards. ‘They’ve cleared out this place, then.’
    ‘Apparently,’ Katie said. ‘What’s it got to do with you?’ Then realisation dawned. ‘You wanted to look through his stuff.’
    ‘Don’t you?’ Max stood up, brushing down his jeans.
    ‘No!’ Katie said. The window was draped with heavy velvet curtains and they weren’t fully shut. There was a section of sheer voile visible in the gap and it was rippling, distracting Katie.

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