The Sex MANual: Uncensored

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Authors: Desiree Dean
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performance in the bedroom that they even choose to avoid sex altogether. You do not want to get to this point and you want to find a way to rid yourself of this problem before it actually becomes a problem.
    As soon as premature ejaculation strikes, men try to find a way to ensure that it never happens again. This often results in men taking tons of medications, using creams or sprays and other forms of treatment that simply do not work. They fill up their bodies with useless medications and assume that they are doing something beneficial when in fact, they are doing the opposite. No pill is going to treat premature ejaculation and this is something that men need to realize. By taking some sort of a pill, you might actually harm yourself and that is something that you want to avoid. Wouldn’t you much rather use a form of treatment that not only works in the short term, but in the long term as well and one that you can trust in?
    This is when natural treatments come in handy. Now, more than ever before, we are turning to natural medicine to treat our problems. We are turning to teas to get rid of tension headaches, ginger to cure stomachaches and so on and so forth. There are plenty of natural treatments for premature ejaculation and it is time that you learned what you can do if it happens to you. If you are struggling with premature ejaculation issues right now or if you want to avoid any issues in the future, try using these treatments as listed below before you try to take on a more drastic measure:
    Meditation – Even though it may sound like a new age, hippy way of treating your problem, meditation can work wonders for your body. We live in a world where our brains are constantly overloaded with information and it forces our bodies to take the brunt of that. This can work against you in the bedroom. Having the day’s thoughts and stresses on top of your shoulders and then having to focus on lasting long enough for your woman to feel pleasure, well, you know where this is heading. Not only can meditation help you to focus and to rid your body of negative energy, it can actually help you to last for hours in the bedroom.
    Some men who practice meditation religiously are able to last for hours upon hours in the bedroom. You have probably heard of the singer Sting and how he is a master of tantric sex. Well, that all has to do with meditation. It all has to do with mind over matter and putting your mind in control of your body. Too many men have it the other way around where their minds are weak and unable to control their bodies. Meditation allows you to learn how to put your mind back in the driver’s seat and take control over what is yours. Wouldn’t you want to learn how to last for hours and hours in the bedroom and completely ravage your woman? Try practicing meditation and see how it can benefit you. It is harmless to try and you might be surprised by the results.
    Masturbation – Yes, that’s right. Masturbation. Pleasing yourself a few hours before sex is one of the best things that you can do to last longer in bed. Yes, you are still reading this right. Masturbation might actually act as your savior if you are looking for a quick fix for your early ejaculation issues. If you know that you might be getting lucky tonight, please yourself a few hours before you do the deed. Ejaculating helps to put your body in the refractory period. This is a stage in the male orgasm that inhibits you from having another orgasm. Women don’t have this which is why they are able to have multiple orgasms and men cannot. After you orgasm once, your body needs to rebuild and refuel. Your sperm count needs to rejuvenate, which makes it hard for you to go again. You can still maintain an erection but you have to work even harder to orgasm again. This can be really beneficial for you in the bedroom and help you to last way longer.
    Sleep – This is one of the more common reasons why men have to deal with premature

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