The Shadow Of What Was Lost
powers, we can't do anything about it." He rubbed his
hands together, a nervous motion. "Devaed is long dead, of course, but
there have been... incidents in the north. People disappearing, or dying in the
most violent ways imaginable. Sightings of creatures that match the description
of dar'gaithin, eletai, shar'kath - some of the worst monsters from the time of
the Eternity War." He shook his head. "Some things have already got
through - things that no-one alive today is equipped to deal with. There's no
telling what else is waiting beyond if that barrier fails completely."
    Davian looked at Ilseth in
disbelief. "And you want me to help? But... I have no training. No idea how to -"
    "That's okay." Ilseth
made a calming gesture. "Have you heard of the sig'nari?"
    "Of course. The Prefects -
the Gifted who served directly under the Augurs."
    Ilseth nodded. “I was one, before
the Unseen War. A few of us survived, and we’ve been watching for the return of
the Augurs. For you, and others like you.” He held out the cube towards Davian.
“We're gathering the Augurs again, Davian. Trying to fix this before a terrible
evil is unleashed upon Andarra, and hopefully help the new generation of Augurs
in the process. If you are willing, this will lead you to somewhere you can be
trained. To people who can help you understand and use your abilities.”
    Davian rubbed his temples; his
head had begun to ache. He sat in stunned silence for a few seconds. “Do the
other Elders from the Tol know about this? About... me?"
    “No.” Ilseth grimaced. “The truth
is, Davian, very few of the Gifted can be trusted with your secret. The Tol has
been split for years on what to do should an Augur ever be found. Regardless of
what is happening at the Boundary, people like me see the Augurs as our way
back to restoring balance in Andarra, to stopping the oppression of the
    Davian gave a slow nod. “And the
    “Would see everyone with those
abilities dead.” Ilseth said the words flatly. “And they are in the majority.
You said it yourself – many Gifted still hate the Augurs for what happened, for
what they seemingly threw away. And like it or not, people will think of you as
one of them, no matter how you differ from what they eventually became.”
    Davian was silent for several
seconds. Ilseth hadn't lied.
    He leaned forward, taking the
bronze box from the Elder.
    “You said this will guide me,
somehow? How does it work?” Davian turned the box over in his hands. It emitted
a slight warmth, more than it should have from simply retaining Ilseth’s body
heat. It was covered in minute, strange symbols - writing, perhaps, though it
was no language that Davian had ever seen.
    “I’m… not sure,” admitted Ilseth.
“I think it’s a Vessel, though it’s older than most I’ve seen before. But I
don’t know how to use it.” He made a face. “I’m only told what I need to know.
That way, if I’m ever discovered, I can’t give away anything important.”
    “Then what am I supposed to do
with it?”
    “Just take it north. Do that, and
I promise it will take you where you need to go.” Ilseth leaned forward. “You
see now why I needed you to Read me, Davian? You’re going to have to take a lot
on faith. You need to leave tonight. Now . If you stay, by sunset tomorrow
you’ll be a Shadow, and all of this will have been for nothing.”
    Davian gazed at Ilseth for a
moment longer, massaging his temples again to ease his aching head. No puffs of
black smoke had escaped Ilseth’s mouth while he'd been speaking. He was telling the truth. Davian felt a little dizzy, trying to take it all in. “I
need to talk with Elder Olin.”
    “ No .” The force of
Ilseth’s response surprised Davian. The older man hesitated, then sighed. “I’m
sorry, Davian, but if the Elders here find out, they will tell your
Administrator. And you may have a good relationship with Talean, but if he
finds out you’re an Augur, he is

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