The Surrender of Lady Charlotte

The Surrender of Lady Charlotte by Lizbeth Dusseau

Book: The Surrender of Lady Charlotte by Lizbeth Dusseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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tore at her miserably.
    While the castle thrived on such sexual expression—even cooks and chambermaids fucked with abandon—Charlotte’s world remained bereft of physical passion. Work was not enough to stem her hunger, or cure the grief; and so she became haunted by the desperate picture of her solution. Frustrated and fearful that her life would soon be sucked from her in this wasteland, she became obsessed by a vile desire. As often as she threw it from her mind, it returned, redoubling its efforts to plague her until she finally acted.
    At the end of a long evening serving Mountbane and his guests in one of the smaller dining halls, Charlotte approached the main table as the festivities were dying down. Some were sleeping, others talking quietly, as was the Lord himself.
    “Sir, may I speak?” she said in a clear voice.
    There was no response.
    “Sir, may I speak?” she repeated, to find Mountbane suddenly take note and turn around.
    “Speak with you in private?” she added.
    “No, not in private. You have something to tell me, say it now.”
    She feared this, but was not undone. And moving closer in hopes that their conversation could be more intimate, she began, “I should like to reconsider this arrangement.”
    “Arrangement?” he appeared bewildered.
    “Yes, the reason for my being here?” she tried again to explain without explaining anything at all.
    “Ah, I see. And why is that? You hate me, I recall.”
    “Perhaps not. I should like to try…”
    “Try what? A true marriage? Is that what you ask?”
    “I suppose I do.” Until that moment, she hadn’t honestly understood what she wanted—except some relief from this passionate longing.
    “Fine then,” he said simply, “go back to the dungeon and learn your craft. When you’re a worthy slave we might try again.”
    “Return to the dungeon?”
    “Is that not what I said?”
    “It is.”
    “It is, sir. You address me with respect, or not at all.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Now get back to your work.”
    “Master Caius,” Charlotte dropped to her knees as she entered the brute’s subterranean world. Finding him polishing a dagger, she shuddered at the implications, but she couldn’t be concerned with that—not now. She bowed her head, kissed his boots, and waited for him to speak.
    “What say you?” Caius finally responded to the groveling woman as he moved his burly form from his stool, practically kicking her away as he did.
    She looked up at him with the most pitiful of expressions—her heart almost believing in the ruse that she was about to launch. “I should like for you to teach me how to be a proper wife to my lord.”
    Caius’ bushy eyebrows arched almost playfully. “So, you’ve had enough of the scullery?”
    “I am ready to take my rightful place in Mountbane’s world.”
    “Better a slave in bed than in the kitchen? Ah! You know the real life, I see.”
    “I know very little, sir, except that I am unaccustomed to this world and how I need to act in order that I may please my lord.”
    He snickered, “I detect some scheme here,” his boots creaked as he walked around her bowed body, “and I would be a fool if I were to hand a false-hearted slave to my master.”
    “I swear, there is no falseness in my purpose.”
    “Then what has caused this change?”
    “A change in sanity, sir. My trials have taught me that I cannot judge one world by the standards of another. And truly, my body burns now to know more than what I’ve made of my life so far.”
    “Your body’s likely horny for a good fuck!” he declared.
    “That too, sir. And what is wrong with that? Is that not what my Lord Mountbane tried to teach me?”
    Caius nodded, his mind grinding away at something as he determined how to proceed. “Loria, come.”
    The dutiful dark-skinned companion of the dungeon master was called from the side of the room, and quickly stood before her master—eyes lowered, lips parted, hands at

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