relationship now that Derek knows about Luke.”
“None of this is easy, but I am following my instinct on this one,” Wes said.
Lucy went to get dressed for work and Chrissie did the same for school. Luke accompanied her for some of the way. Wes had no business this early to do. He had hit it lucky on Wall Street, and now served as a broker-dealer, but his work didn’t require daily logging. Most times he could work from home and most times he did. After he kissed Lucy good bye he decided to do some snooping. He had a gut feeling there was more to the story than Chrissie had said. He went inside her room and just stood there for a couple of seconds, taking in the smell of the space. He then walked around to the night tables and pulled out the drawers one by one. He then went over to the chest and did the same, but there was nothing ghastly in any of them. He peered under the bed, lifted the mattress and checked behind the curtains, but nothing was there to implicate her. He was running his hand along the wall behind the chest when his hand touched something silky. Odd. He groped along the wall until his hand was able to grip the piece of fabric enough to pull on it.
When he got it out, he could make out a silk pouch, but what he couldn’t understand was what it was doing behind the chest. He pulled the string apart and opened it and what he saw made him ground his teeth. There were all sorts of contraptions from Derek’s inventions. He had obviously given them to her as protection against him and Luke and their kind, and what was more alarming was that she had taken it. He tightened the string on the bag and took it back with him to his room where he stuffed it in his sock drawer. He would not leave it in his home out of his line of sight when what was in the bag could easily kill him.
It was obvious the side she was on, and it wasn’t his. No matter what, in a week, she was leaving his house, if not sooner.
It didn’t take Chrissie long to discover that she had been discovered and so there was only one recourse now; she had to leave. She did not even know how to face them now. They had shown her a great courtesy by having her stay at their home, even when he had been threatened with social services. Now for this to happen, she would seem like a traitor. She didn’t take the pouch on purpose. She had forgotten she had it until after he was already gone. She didn’t want to discard it on the street for all the problems that could arise that way so she had taken it there. But even when she did, she couldn’t just leave it out in the open, so she had hidden it behind the chest, hoping to dispose of it before anyone could find it. She had known he had distrusted her, but she didn’t know it was so much that he would search through her things. Either way, she had no defense, and when her father contacted her a week later, she went with him.
It tore Luke apart to see her go, and she wasn’t thrilled about it either. She promised they would find ways to see each other. For a few days Luke was angry at Wes but after he was forced to tell Luke about the pouch, he simmered down somewhat. He still managed to find ways to see her, and everything was almost the same for a little while.
When Chrissie got home, her father was seen to be making a conscientious effort to be a good father, but it didn’t do much for Chrissie. One day he approached her while she was watching television in the den.
“So, how does it feel to be back?” he asked, forcing a smile.
She looked up at him with a lack of interest. “You do not have to do this. I am old enough now> I don’t need a father as much.”
“Maybe it is I that need a daughter,” he
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