The Wives of Beverly Row 2: Lust Has a New Address
said as she got out of the car. “Sorry, I’m late. I was just getting ready for you.”
    “Oh,” Kyle said. “You really didn’t have to get ready.”
    “It’s not every day a girl gets to have a talented photographer.”
    Kyle smiled. He didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t used to such flagrant flirting from an older woman. Trudy knew that she’d have him like putty in her hands. He was so innocent, so unspoiled. She could do what she liked to him and that thought filled her with such lust that her pussy tingled just thinking about it.
    She didn’t even allow herself to think about what would happen to her friendship with Veronica if she ever found out. She could cross that bridge when she came to it.
    She led Kyle into her house. Everything in the house looked perfect. The cleaning woman had been there the day before, thankfully. Otherwise he’d have seen wine bottles, dirty dishes, discarded clothes. Trudy sometimes let the housework pile up. After all those years married to a man who was a stickler for neatness, she felt she’d earned the right to relax a little.
    “Where do you want to do the shoot?” she said.
    “Oh, we can pretty much do it anywhere. I brought my speedlight and a reflector,” Kyle said. He had a sort of white umbrella that portrait photographers used to reflect light onto their subjects. “I guess wherever you’re most comfortable.”
    That was exactly what Trudy had been hoping he would say. “Come upstairs,” she said and led the way without waiting for him to reply or giving him a chance to consider.
    He followed her up the stairs and into her bedroom. It was a large, lavishly furnished room that had seen more than its share of young men in the past two years. “I was thinking I could sit on the bed,” she said. “That will be sexiest.”
    Kyle’s eyebrows rose on his forehead. Trudy knew that momentum was key. He wouldn’t be used to being in a grown woman’s bedroom and the more she could keep things moving forward the less likely he was to think better of what was happening or lost his nerve. She didn’t want to give him a chance to get shy.
    “Well,” Kyle said, “there’s great light from the balcony.”
    “Exactly,” Trudy said. “I’ll get in position and you can set up your lighting. Do whatever you want with me, okay?” she said. “Whatever position you want me in, I’m yours.”
    She could tell that Kyle was getting flustered but she knew he wouldn’t be able to stop her once she got started. She just had to lead things in the right direction as smoothly as possible. She went over to the bed. Kyle was setting up his reflector, placing it by the glass doors that led out to the balcony. She watched him work.
    “I think it will be more alluring if we cut down on the natural light,” he said. He half-closed the curtains.
    “This is going to be perfect,” she said. “You know exactly what I want. I want to look sexy. These pictures aren’t going on Facebook, if you know what I mean.”
    “Oh no?”
    She shook her head and opened the zip on the front of her plush, velour track suit jacket. She pulled the zip down half-way to gauge Kyle’s reaction. Immediately he looked away and fiddled with the reflector.
    “So how’s this lighting going to work?” she said, as nonchalantly as she could. She wanted to keep the atmosphere relaxed.
    “Well,” Kyle said, his voice sounding a little less certain than usual, “I’ll have a flash on the camera that will act as a key light. What bounces off this reflector will act as a fill.”
    “You sure know your stuff,” Trudy said as she removed the velour jacket completely.
    Kyle’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw her. The black lace was almost completely transparent. He could see her breasts, her pert nipples, the soft pink circles of her areolae. Along the side of the bodice a crisscrossed ribbon was all that kept it closed.
    She sat on the side of the bed and lifted her legs. “Give

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