The Wrong Lawyer
    Now my new-found
romance was being jerked away like some carrot on a string.
    I recalled
previous situations from years ago in which I had acted childishly or rudely
when a girl dumped me. My self-disgust at my inappropriate reactions back then
prompted me to behave myself this time around. Wisdom does sometimes come with
    I decided to toss
a bit of humor into the situation.
    “I understand
completely, Linda. Please don’t beat yourself up about it. I really like your
company too. When your distressing family circumstances eventually get worked
out, we can have a belated celebration. Being retired for a year is pretty
meaningless when you think about it and not worthy of a celebration.”
    “I’m so relieved
that you’re so understanding, Tom. I feel like a right witch.”
    “Don’t worry about
it, Linda. I’m sure I can get at least a partial refund of the large deposit I
put down with the wedding planner.”
    That remark did
the trick and Linda burst out laughing.
    “You’re so
extraordinarily nice, Tom. Please don’t give up on me. I’m determined to get my
family affairs sorted out quickly.”
    I stood up and
walked with Linda to the apartment door.
    Before I had a
chance to pull the door open, Linda put her arms around my neck and said,
“Happy one-year retirement anniversary, Tom.”
    Then she kissed me
    When she finally pulled
away, Linda whispered breathlessly in my ear, “I hope my naughty little gesture
will help you remember that we have some delicious unfinished business to
    She smiled
teasingly and then Linda was gone.

10 (Coping With Rejection)
    I wasn’t sure what
to make of Linda’s cancellation of our date, but I felt badly enough that I
didn’t want to discuss it immediately with Corbett.
    Trying to be
philosophical about the situation, I consoled myself with the thought that,
unless Linda was merely a great actress, she genuinely seemed to like me. If
so, then the possibility of finding romance in my future with her was not
completely dead and buried.
    I had been
anticipating savoring a great meal at the new Indian restaurant that evening.
    After pondering
the matter for an hour or so, I called the place and made a reservation for
myself for seven o’clock.
    Despite what I had
said to Linda in an effort to make her feel better, completing a full year in
retirement was a significant milestone and I wanted to celebrate the
    For one thing, not
one single problem had cropped up from my law practice since I closed my doors.
Because I had tempted fate and opted not to purchase any extra negligence
insurance from the Law Society, the absence of new claims meant that I had so
far made the right choice and had already saved $655 in premiums.
    The disquieting feeling
of rejection slowing began permeating my thoughts during the course of the
afternoon, and by the time I walked to the Silk Route Indian restaurant, I was bordering
on depression.
    When the young
hostess greeted me at the entrance, I was downright down on myself.
    “Table for one for
Kennedy,” I muttered. “If possible, I’d like to be placed at the worst table in
the room.”
    The pretty young
girl looked at me oddly but when she saw that I wasn’t smiling, she recovered
her poise and replied, “Certainly, sir; please follow me.”
    She certainly knew
the layout well, because I was taken to a tiny table squeezed in between the
washroom entrance and the swinging doorway into the kitchen.
    “This will be
perfect,” I advised the girl as I sat down with my back to the kitchen door.
    The establishment
was already quite busy and as I glanced around, I spotted three familiar
couples, two of which were former clients and the third being a fellow attorney
sitting with his wife and a younger couple.
    When my server
showed up, I ordered an Indian beer and decided that I’d not scrimp on the
booze this evening. There are some moods that can only be

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