The Zombie Rule Book: A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide

The Zombie Rule Book: A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide by Tony Newton Page B

Book: The Zombie Rule Book: A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide by Tony Newton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Newton
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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Clean socks
    Try to change or wash out your socks frequently. Don’t forget you will be in them quite a bit and you will need them to be in good condition, with foot problems you won’t get far.
    Fireworks can be used like flares, attracting attention but also zombies. Use them with caution.
Roof tops
    Roof tops are ideal places to sleep, and a great viewpoint to plan your best escape route should you need to.
    Try to acquire an Ak47, and ammo of course (it would be useless without it). This will give you great protection against zombies but use it carefully as gun fire will attract them.
Learn to tie knots
    Learn how to tie knots; study them, practice and practice again. This will be very useful for you.
Walking stick/Cane
    Walking sticks and canes are very useful for long walks up hills and mountains, relieving you from some of the strain. Also lots of walking sticks have a stiff metal point on the bottom which is ideal as a weapon.
    Find a supermarket. You will have everything you will need there. This will be a popular place to hide out so you will have to fight off a few survivors. Be sure to always weigh up the need with the risk factor.
Shave when possible
    By ‘when possible’, I mean when you have a chance. Keep your hygiene up; growing a long beard will open you up for attack by someone grabbing the beard.
    Try to obtain some flares, but use them wisely and only in a situation where you have to as they may attract unwanted attention. Don’t count on using flares to be rescued but thesecould be used as a signal between groups.
    Always carry soap. Liquid soap is ideal but a small bar of soap in a polythene bag will suffice.
    Always have your backpack stocked with everything you need in case you have to leave in a hurry, which you will most likely have to do. Backpacks are ideal but be careful as a zombie could grab your backpack and put you in danger.
    Wheelbarrows are a great way of transporting your belongings or moving your newfound bounty.
Peppermint oil
    Peppermint oil can be used as a pick me up, on skin used in carrier oil or used to deter vermin from your base. Use neat on the floor where vermin may get in.
Shopping trolley
    Shopping trolleys are good for transportation of food and other items but be aware, some have locks on them when you get just around the corner from the supermarket. Also they can be loud and hard to get up and down curbs.
Using music
    You can use car stereos or ghetto blasters as bait, with the music left on and put in a certain place. This will attract zombies and other survivors. Make sure you run quickly away from the car and don’t walk straight into the oncoming storm of zombies.
Crank torch
    Try to get a crank, wind-up torch battery and save this for emergencies.
Vitamin supplements
    If you can get hold of vitamin supplements, get them. No doubt you can’t just go to the supermarket and get your 5 a day. You will need supplements to keep your body running efficiently.
    Use jars and screw bottles for drinks. Any leftover drinks can go into these and it will keep them fresh for longer.
Keep your soda fizzy
    There is nothing worse in the zombie apocalypse than your favourite soda going flat. After you have poured yourself a glass, shake the bottle vigorously, ensuring that the lid is on. Do this daily and it will keep it fizzy for much longer.
Bay leaves
    Bay leaves are great at keeping unwanted cockroaches and other creatures away from you and your belongings. Keep bay leaves in carrier bags and leave them where you are visited by unwanted creatures.
    Try to get your hands on some seeds; these plants will be your savings for the future.
Protein powder
    Try to obtain some protein powder. You can have this with water or juice, which may be hard to get. This will help with your weight training and help you get in tip-top condition ready to fight.
Think of a great memory
    No matter what, you will always

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