The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Page A

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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impending danger. A flurry of soldiers ran from the garrison out into the streets. Everything they had spent the last few days training for would now be put to use. Each man had been allocated a part of the wall that he was supposed to patrol. Archers and infantry quickly started lining up along the perimeter looking southwards to the large contingent heading their way.
    Torches had been prepared, and would be ready to be lit once the last of the daylight had gone. Despite the late hour and the unlikelihood that any fighting would take place during the hours of darkness, it was better to be prepared just in case. For now, it was a matter of waiting for the slow procession to near. As they did, they started spanning out, making it clear they planned to surround the city. Nobody it seemed was getting in or out.
    Jamal was surprised to see Fabian still wanting to practice his sword skills. The past few days he had seen a much nicer side to the lad. Fabian was still rude and abrupt, but Jamal had seen through that tough facade on several occasions. Underneath that exterior was a sad lonely boy, who clearly loved his father much more than he ever let on. His skills with the sword were still barely better than any other novice would be, but at least he was still improving. Whether those same skills would ever suffice in a real one on one fight, Jamal doubted them good enough. Although he had also reasoned that if Fabian was fighting, then things would have gone very wrong.
    The two youngsters still practised with the weighted wooden swords. Jamal was not confident in his own abilities, never mind those of Fabian, not to cause injury with the real ones. After running through their usual drill, he signalled to the young royal for them to stop for the day. They had spent some considerable time training on manoeuvres and stance, and despite the look of disappointment on Fabians face, he nodded. It was getting dark and they both needed rest. "I'm not sure I'll have much time to practice tomorrow Fabian," Jamal said as he placed his weapon back in the rack of swords. "With the enemy at our gates I will have to report to the garrison for duty," he added.
    Fabian remained silent as he also returned his sword, placing it down beside the others. Jamal was about to wish him a goodnight and head off back to the garrison when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Fabian looking directly at him, clearly wanting to say something, but struggling to get the words out. "What is it Fabian?" Jamal asked waiting for him to speak. "Can I join you in the mess hall for dinner tonight?" Fabian asked a rather surprised looking Jamal. After a few moments to think he nodded, "Yes, of course...Come on," he added gesturing the way forward.

Chapter 8.
    After a long night of restless sleep, Jamal forced himself up from his bunk. Those who had been on duty during the hours of darkness were now filling the beds around him; hoping to catch a few hours sleep. Jamal had been excused duty, much to his disappointment. Prince Issac had apparently ordered that he be appointed instead to be personal guard to Fabian. What that title actually meant, was baby sitter to a troubled young man. This would likely also mean Jamal being kept away from any action again.
    As he walked out into the morning sunshine and across the garrison yard, he saw Fabian waiting at the gates for him. As he approached, he even got a smile and a friendly 'Hello'. "I asked that you be assigned to me Jamal. Isn't that good news?" Fabian said almost too excitedly. Jamal nodded in agreement. Of course, he was glad that Fabian was at last making an effort to be friendly, and he had even quite enjoyed teaching him sword skills.
    As strange as it seemed, life within the city was going on as normal. Traders still lined the streets attempting to take advantage of the influx of new potential customers. The only noticeable difference was the increased amount of soldiers moving about the

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