The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Page B

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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streets, and any person looking up at the walls would tell something untoward was happening. Where there would normally only be a handful of guards patrolling across the top, now stood hundreds.
    A short way off from the city walls, the Zulani had made their camps. They had split into what appeared to those watching, four groups. The two larger ones covered the north and south gates, and two smaller groups watching the east and west walls. Off slightly further south was another smaller camp, where a number of banners barely moved in what little breeze there was. Two huge tents had been erected here, one of which was currently occupied by the Zulani priest and his officers. There, the topic of discussion was on how best to defeat the Murati shut behind the city walls.
    Those defending stood around the tops of the battlements, looking out to the thousands of soldiers that surrounded them. However, it was not the number of men that caught the eye, but the strange looking creatures that moved about them, none more so than the Giganton. Standing twice the height of a man, they moved slowly about the enemy lines. The Zulani appeared to be in no great hurry to attack, as they continued the task of making their camps.
    It was mid-morning, when Fabian asked Jamal if he would like to go up to the wall to see the enemy. Although technically he had seen them before, he could not push away the need to know what fate awaited them outside the walls. As the pair walked up the stone steps, Jamal could feel his heart racing. Many of the reports on the enemy had painted a grim picture; he was now going to see for himself, just how bad. At least being paired with Fabian had certain privileges, as the soldiers atop the wall moved aside for them.
    On first glance, Jamal thought the reports were not as bad as he had envisaged. Although once he had looked left and right, a little further around the city wall, it was clear they were probably true. He turned to look at Fabian, whom he thought was regretting taking a look. "Come on Fabian, shall we head back to the garrison and practice a little?" The young royal nodded, but remained silent. They were just about to start down the steps, when they heard a booming voice.
    The two froze, both aware they had heard it before, and both knew what was to follow. "People of Murati..." came the voice. Jamal took a few steps forward trying to see from where it came. "There!" he said pointing to a robed figure in the distance. "The man with the staff again," he added.
    The voice of the Zulani priest boomed out once more. The words were the same as they had heard before, an offer for the people of the city to surrender and join the Empire of the Zulani. Unlike the previous occasion however, a time was set for their surrender. The city of Onay had until sunrise tomorrow to open its gates, lay down its arms, or face the onslaught of the Zulani. Naturally, such an offer, made a few heads turn. Jamal could even hear the words uttered amongst some of the soldiers, as he suggested that he and Fabian head back.
    As they walked back down the main street, Fabian spoke for the first time. "Do you think we should do as they ask Jamal?" he said in a loud whisper. Jamal shook his head, "No, and don't let people hear you speak of such things," he replied a little more harshly than perhaps he should have. Jamal quite expected Fabian to have one of his tantrums, being spoken to in such a way. Certainly, the old Fabian would have at least called him 'A stinking sewer rat,' or some other reference to such a creature. Instead, Fabian merely dropped his head, before uttering, "I don't want to die Jamal."
    Jamal stopped and placed a hand on Fabian's shoulder. Whilst looking him in the eye, "None of us want to die. Do you really want to live your life as a slave Fabian? Because that is surely what these Zulani will do to us all." The two held each other's gaze for a few moments before the prince's son shook his head, "No Jamal I do not

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