The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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proceedings. He continued reading from a list of idea's he had written for the allocation of the new wealth. The main points being new luxury homes for all council members, and new staff to run them. "This will of course create new jobs; building, maintaining and running them," he added trying to justify the idea. The majority of other members vocally agreed their approval. Two others however, supporters of Lord Willem, simply stood and left in disgust.
    Lord Willem did not hang about. He simply went to the small house he stayed at when visiting the government offices, and ordered his small retinue to make ready to leave. The two house staff and four guards did not argue nor even ask why; they simply carried out his request with efficiency. Within just half an hour, his belongings were collected and loaded onto the wagon that was now waiting with their horses in the yard below.
    As Lord Willem was technically no longer anything to do with those in power, he did not consider any future action he may take as any of their business. The group had barely left the city walls, and Willem already had plans running through his head. The powers that be may be turning their backs on their neighbouring countries, but that did not mean he intended to do the same.
    He may not be a high profile government official, but he was still a wealthy landowner. As such, he had at his disposal a small army. This consisted of just a few platoons of cavalry and archers, with just a squad of infantry, and mainly used for keeping the peace on his lands. Lord Willem however, had also copied Corlan's reserve system. This enabled people who worked on his lands to train with his fulltime soldiers to earn a few extra coins, but more importantly for him to increase the number of skilled soldiers he could call upon. Having this option could increase the number of men at his disposal to well over five hundred.
    The sun was reaching its zenith, and Willem was glad of the cool breeze that was blowing. His small group had made good progress, but they would not be back on his lands until dark. Having had a short break to rest the horses, he had started making a list of things he needed to do. This mainly consisted of supplies he needed to accrue before he could even think about raising an army. It may well take him a few weeks to sort things out, but his allies of old would not stand-alone.
    The Zulani were once more on the move. Slowly and methodically taking control of the lands and people, they encountered. With their foothold on Murati now firmly established it was now time to expand. With the knowledge that their right flank was safe from attack, thanks to the deal struck with Murati's neighbour Besemia, they planned their attacks accordingly.
    A mix of men and beasts headed northwards. Their next big target was clearly the city of Onay. Over four thousand in number they moved along at a slow lumbering pace. Many of the smaller towns and villages they encountered were now empty. The occupants had fled to the relative safety of the larger walled city, which now found itself, the main target.
    Prince Issac had ordered the city gates to be closed and secured. Those who had not made it in would have to try to fend for themselves. Whether that meant hiding away or moving further north away from the encroaching dangers. Everything that could be done had now been done. Now all they could do was just wait and see what the Zulani threw at them.
    Amongst the number of enemy soldiers were Murati. People who had been captured and collared, and now had little option other than to do as they were commanded, walked amongst them. Some tasked with carrying the much-needed supplies such a vast force required to exist. Others, mainly women, were used for cooking, cleaning and other such tasks.
    The sun was low in the evening sky, as the first enemy were spotted from atop the walls of Onay. The shout was given, and several of the city's church bells rang out to warn of the

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