They Say Love Is Blind

They Say Love Is Blind by Pepper Pace

Book: They Say Love Is Blind by Pepper Pace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pepper Pace
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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    "I know. I'm the only person in the building so I usually keep the light off." He put his arm around her. "Don't worry, I'll guide you." Tory thought that this evening had been full of wonder...but being led through a darkened building by a blind man had to be the kicker.
    Lee pulled up the gate of an industrial sized elevator. He helped her in and soundly closed it. At least in here was an emergency light that cast a soft glow over the harsh, unfinished building interior.

"This is kind of a work in progress. I'm the first tenant so excuse the mess. I told them that I didn't mind as long as they kept the walkway clear." The lift came to a jerky stop, but his arms held her in reassurance as he reached up with the other to lift open the gate. "The elevator is perfectly safe. The door to the loft won't open unless the gate is in place."
    They stepped into the darkened room and this time Lee reached over to hit the lights.

"Oh my G od..." Tory's hands went to her mouth. The loft was gorgeous! He led her into the oversized room. The ceilings had to be fifteen feet! It was immaculate with tiled or stone floors that indicated the separation of rooms instead of walls. This was nothing like the cold cement floors and brick walls that she would see in the movies. This was a successful man's home. It had obviously been professionally decorated. She eyed Lee curiously.
    He had money like that?
    "Do you like it? They gave it to me already furnished. Cost more...but it's not like I could have done anything like this." It was decorated very minimalist, which didn't mean that it was cold and emotionless. It was very much the opposite. There were wooden carvings and art on the walls that had texture. The windows were floor to ceiling and sheathed in blinds that when drawn showed an oriental design.
    A cat leaped from a perch and strutted over to investigate the visitor. The orange tabby blinked at her and then circled her legs with a slight purr.
    "Hey kitty." Tory reached down and stroked the cat's back. "What's your cat's name?"
    "I haven't named her yet. I found her when I moved here. But she answers to cat...or the sound of a can of cat food opening." He moved toward the kitchen. " I figured she could work off her room board by catching mice and keeping me company. Would you like something to drink?"
    "Yes, thanks."
    "Soda, iced tea, beer, wine-?"
    "Water is fine."
    "Really? That's all?"
    "Yes . Do you mind if I freshen up a bit?" he pointed.
    "Behind that glass block wall." As she headed in the direction that he'd indicated, he called out again. "You'll find towels and washcloths in the pantry. Take your time, baby."
    Baby...she grinned at the use of that word. It didn't sound cheesy coming out of his mouth, either. His accent made it sound very sexy.
    The bathroom was a dream. She resisted the urge to snoop and located a washcloth and removed her makeup and freshened up. She'd done a lot of sweating between dancing and the quick walk.
She returned to the living room to see that Lee had dimmed the lights and that soft music was playing across his sound system. His electronic equipment alone probably cost more than half a year of her salary!
    He heard her coming and held out his hand to her. She took it with no hesitation. He led her to the couch where her bottled water sat on the nearby cocktail table.
    "Have a seat. I'll be right back." He headed in the direction that she had come and Tory opened the bottled water, drinking long and leaning back against the cushions of the large couch. She sighed in contentment. How had she gotten from watching a sexy man on the bus to sitting in his expensive loft? She resisted the urge to pinch herself.
    He returned, walking into the living room without hesitation and navigating with no problems. He sat down on the couch next to her and patted his lap. At first she thought that he wanted her sitting on his lap, which she would have done without thought.
    "Take off your shoes and let me

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