Throne of Oak (Maggie's Grove)

Throne of Oak (Maggie's Grove) by Dana Marie Bell

Book: Throne of Oak (Maggie's Grove) by Dana Marie Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Marie Bell
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exaggerated look of horror on his face.
    Amara took one step in front of her lover and eyed Trajan like a weed she wanted to pull. Her red curls were vibrating, phantom red leaves appearing and disappearing, dancing with her hair in a display that would have made a man weaker than Dragos run for the hills. Bark crawled up her arms as she prepared to defend her friends. “Dragos? Problem?”
    “Calm down, Woody.”
    Dragos gasped a laugh at the nickname. He never would have thought Noah and Amara would become so close, considering their history, but Noah’s apology for the attack he and his wolves had made on her had gone a long way to cementing their friendship.
    Amara’s bark receded as she stared at the alpha. “Woody?”
    Noah shrugged. “Master Splinter?”
    Parker’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, I like that one.” He grunted as Amara’s elbow impacted with his stomach.
    “Do you allow just anyone to enter unannounced, brother?”
    Parker’s brows rose. The other vampire might be a vegetarian, but he still had all his hunter’s instincts. “Brother?”
    This should be interesting. “Trajan Ibanescu, Dr. Parker Hollis and his sotiei , Amara Schwedler.”
    “Consorting with dryads now, are we? Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” Trajan tsk’d. “For shame.”
    That was it. Dragos was done. Trajan was not going to insult any more of his friends. He looked his brother up and down and allowed a sneer to cross his face. “So they have.” He stood and gestured toward the office door. “Have a pleasant evening.”
    His brother stood there for a few moments before it sunk in that Dragos meant him, not the others in the room. The arrogant smile slipped from his face. If Dragos didn’t know better he’d swear his brother looked concerned. “We aren’t done yet. There are things you don’t know.”
    Dragos allowed his eyes to turn red. His hunter’s eyes. Trajan paled but didn’t back down. His gaze darted toward the desk before he straightened his shoulders, staring Dragos right in the eye. “You can’t kick me out.”
    Bully for him. His brother had grown some balls after all this time. Too bad he hadn’t used them where their father was concerned. Maybe Trajan would eventually be able to stand up to the old man without wetting his pants.
    Maybe. When unicorns burst in rainbow-colored farts from Dragos’s ass. “Watch me.”
    Trajan growled, causing Eddy to whimper from his hiding place. “Dragos—”
    Noah straightened and allowed his power to roll through the room. Despite their being different types of shifters Trajan reacted, bowing his head in submission to the more powerful alpha wolf. Trajan might be the bigger shifter, but when it came to alphas size didn’t matter.
    Power, on the other hand...
    Parker and Amara, bless them, didn’t react, but Dragos knew they weren’t going to let it go. They were going to ask questions he didn’t want to answer. He needed to get his brother out of here.
    “You need to leave. Now.” Noah’s voice was deep, powerful. An alpha in his prime, and one of the most powerful in all the Americas, Noah was not one to trifle with. Both Trajan and Vasile would learn that if they tried baiting the wolf.
    Noah’s bite was far worse than his bark.
    Trajan shivered. “Yes, alpha.”
    Noah touched the back of Trajan’s neck, indicating his approval of the gesture. “Do not return unless Dragos invites you.”
    “Yes, alpha.” Trajan backed out of the room, his wary gaze glued to Noah as if the alpha would strike him down at any moment.
    Once Trajan was gone, Parker turned to Dragos. “You throw such interesting parties.”
    Dragos rolled his eyes and collapsed back into his chair.
    Noah’s brows slowly rose. “Brother?”
    There was a tug on his leg. He looked down to see Eddy shaking like a leaf. “Can I pee my pants now?”
    He shook his head at Eddy, fighting the smile his Renfield’s antics were trying to bring on. “It’s a very long, very convoluted

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